P. 15
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Oh! My Forehead!
Many people ask me about one of the
scars on my forehead. This gruesome
incident happened when I was in
preschool. I was just five years old at the
time and my favourite movie was Captain
America. I had never seen any of the
Captain America movies before so I was
really excited. I mainly wanted to watch
the movie with my father because of the
name. I am from the U. S. A and I really
wanted to watch it because it had the
word “America” in it. We planned to
watch the movie in Labim Mall. My my curly hair. My mother
brother couldn’t join us as he was insisted that we had to take a photo
underage, he was only two years old at together, and so we did. The two of us
the time. My father had lied to the can be seen posing in matching clothes
workers that I was six years old because to represent the American flag colours,
the age limit was six and if they knew and I with the curliest hair and a little star
that I was only five years old at the time, clipper.
they would not have let me in. He knew
how devastated I would be if I couldn’t Once in the car, I kept on babbling on and
watch the movie. We had planned to on about how excited I was. When we
watch this movie a week early. Every entered the theatre my eyes blew up with
second I got, I was babbling on about excitement, I saw three different theatres
how excited I was to watch the movie. By and popcorn stands and food stands and
the time it was the day to watch the I went running around the place. Once my
movie, the whole neighbourhood knew father finally caught me, we went to get
that my father and I were going to watch some popcorn and drinks. Before the
that movie. movie started I went to explore the place,
it was my first time there. I found the
On the movie day, my father and I put on bathrooms, suddenly I heard my father
matching clothes. We both had red half calling out to me so I rushed out to him.
shorts with a blue buttoned up shirt, and As we were entering the theatre, they
he had clipped on a little white star onto gave us some 3D glasses. We sat on our