Page 10 - NJC University Placement 2022-23 Updated
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Students will be required to enroll in six or seven courses,depending on their high school transcript. Students who attend from outside of Ontario and have completed a standard 3 year high school program (Grade 9-11) must complete 7 credits at NJC. A student may choose to take more than six courses, generally because they are interested in particular electives.
After the start of a term, students will have five days to confirm their course choices. For example, a student might have selected International Business (BBM4M) but then decides to take World History (CHY4U) instead. To add a course or make a switch, the student will need written consent from a parent/guardian unless they are 18 years of age. The change will be approved if there is consent and if the change(s) does not adversely affect the student’s post-secondary plans.
Course changes must be made prior to the beginning of the semester or in the first week of the semester unless there are extenuating circumstances. Dropping a course is only allowed in consultation with Guidance, Head of School and parent/guardian approval. Dropping a course is not possible if it prevents a student from obtaining their OSSD. The course must be withdrawn within five days of the midterm report (MMD).
All decisions about course selection, including adding and dropping, are guided by the Ministry of Ontario document Creating Pathways to Success.
See also:
Substitutions for Compulsory Courses
To allow for flexibility in designing a student's program and to ensure all students can
qualify for the OSSD, substitutions may be made for a limited number of compulsory credits. With permission, students may replace up to three credits with courses selected from the remaining courses offered by the school that meet the requirements for compulsory credits. In all cases, the sum of compulsory and optional credits will not be fewer than 30 to earn
the OSSD. Substitutions should only be made to promote and enhance student learning, or to meet special needs and interests. Each substitution will be noted on the student's Ontario Student Transcript.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)
Students who have appropriate knowledge and skills may receive credit for these in one of two ways: 1. A student may "challenge" for a credit through an evaluation process which verifies the student has the required knowledge and skills as outlined in an Ontario provincial curriculum document. The PLARprocedures are carried out under the direction of the Principal or Head of School, who grants the credits.A maximum of four credits may be granted through the challenge process for Grade 10, 11 and 12courses with
no more than two in any one subject area. 2. Students educated outside of Ontario may begranted equivalency credits for coursework they have completed. Equivalencies are granted for placement purposes only.
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test Requirement
As a requirement for graduation, all students must successfully complete the Ontario Secondary School LiteracyTest(OSSLT) inordertoearnasecondaryschooldiploma.TheOntarioSchoolLiteracyTestis typically writtenintheGrade10yearandisbasedontheOntariocurriculumexpectationsforlanguageand communication,particularlyreadingandwriting,uptoandincludingGrade9. Studentswhodonot successfully complete the test after taking it twice, may take the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course(OSSLC)whichisdesignedtohelpstudentsacquireanddemonstratethecross-curricular literacy skillsthatareevaluatedbytheOntarioSecondarySchoolLiteracyTest.Studentswhocomplete thecourse successfully will meet the provincial literacy requirement for graduation. Successful completion of the test
(or the OSSLC) is recorded on the Ontario Student Transcript.