Page 7 - NJC University Placement 2022-23 Updated
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Classes are taught in English by a predominantly Canadian teaching faculty. Language and Visual Art classes are instructed by Swiss teachers who are fluent in English.
The foundation of all courses is the Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum. NJC is audited by the Ontario Ministry of Education on an annual basis and is categorized as an Independent Ontario Secondary School located abroad.
NJC students experience a rigorous pre-university program of study. Students earn Ontario Grade 12 credits leading to the granting of an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD and entry into university in Canada, the United States and other countries (details beginning on page 6).
Students may prepare for the College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) examinations in select subject areas that afford students the opportunity to gain university credit or advanced standing, or both, at universities worldwide (details on page 21).
Online Learning
Students in Grade 12 may elect to take one of their required six courses online from an accredited outside provider. They may take courses online above the required minimum load taken at Neuchâtel Junior College. Students taking an online course need the permission of the Head of School.
Ontario Student Transcript (OST) and Ontario Student Record (OSR)
An Ontario Student Record (OSR) is established for each student enrolled in a Ministry-inspected
Ontario school. The OSR is an ongoing record and is transferred between schools attended within Ontario. The OSR contains biographical information about the student; a listing of schools attended; parent and guardian information; the Ontario Student Transcript; final report cards; a record of second language instruction and any other special records of standardized testing; identifications or placement determinations, and health or psychological reports. Parents or students can review the contents of the OSR by contacting Guidance. Each student and the parent(s) or guardian(s) of a student who is under the age of 18 are entitled to have access to the student's OSR.
Academic Year
The academic year is divided into two semesters. Students are normally required to undertake not less than six or more than eight credit courses during a full year program. Students at the College for one semester may study a minimum of three courses and a maximum of four. Students may not, unless in extraordinary circumstances as determined by the Head of School, withdraw from a course if to do so would reduce their load to fewer than three courses. If a student taking four courses in a semester withdraws from one course within five instructional days following the issuance of the first provincial report card, the withdrawal is not recorded on the OST. If a student withdraws from a course after five instructional days following the issuance of the first provincial report card, the withdrawal is recorded on the OST. Students may transfer from one course to another at any time during the first five instructional days after the first day of classes each semester.
Students who repeat a course that they have previously completed successfully earn only one credit for the course. However, each attempt and the percentage grade obtained is recorded on the OST, and an ‘R’ is entered for the course with the lower percentage grade.
French Language Development
The study of French is mandatory at the College to assist students with the natural development of their French language skills while living within the French-speaking town of Neuchâtel, Switzerland and

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