Page 25 - 02-11-2020_2
P. 25

                                                                                                                                                       Mixing paddles

                              20cm                                                 30cm                                                  23cm

        MIXING PADDLES                                        MIXING PADDLES PLASTIC                               MIXING PADDLES
         MPP  0250-02501                                      MPP  0200                                            GAC 0250-1000

        •   The S-shape of the MPP has the advantage that it mixes   •   The S-shape of the MPP has the advantage that it mixes   •   Due to the straight shape of the plastic mixing paddle,
           paint faster and preciser than conventional methods  paint faster and preciser than conventional methods   it is easy to remove paint from the mixing cup. Length:
        •   20cm S-shape paddle                               •   30cm S-shape paddle with a solid hand grip          23 cm.
        •   Grey color will allow to do a pre-colour check while   •   Grey color will allow to do a pre-colour check while
           mixing                                               mixing                                             SALES UNITS:
                                                                                                                   •   GAC 0250: Box containing 250 mixing paddles
        SALES UNITS:                                          SALES UNIT:                                          •   GAC 1000: Box containing 1000 mixing paddles
        •   MPP 0250: Dispenser box containing 250 mixing paddles  •   MPP 0200: Dispenser box containing 200 mixing paddles 
        •   MPP 02501: 8 refill bags containing 250 mixing paddles
           each - for dispenser bucket

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