Page 9 - EA Safari Classic Rally 2019
P. 9

Meet the Team

                                              A considerable amount of work       Safari Rally is not the work of just
                                            has gone into improving the rally     one man… although ask any Clerk of
                                            road book which, he is hopeful, is    the Course and they'll claim it was all
                                            more defined, concise and             done by them…
                                            enjoyable. From pre event recce,        There is no denying that, for 2019,
                                            selecting event officials, preparing   Raju has indeed put in an enormous
           aju Chaggar is no stranger in
                                            documentation for the rally,          amount of hard work and time but
      Rthe local rally scene, and has
                                            movement schedules and stage          behind him there is a team in place
      been actively involved since 2002,
                                            marshal positioning, his dedication is   to offer him the support that he
      spanning 17 years in motorsports, in
                                            appreciated.                          needs to run this prestigious event
      almost every capacity. From the         For Raju, the Classic Rally is an   faultlessly.
      beginning, as a stage marshal,        event very close to his heart, having   Pipi Renu stays on board as the
      moving up the ranks to be at the      been a part of it since the inaugural   rally manager, a role he first handled
      pinnacle of an event as Clerk of      event back in 2003. Beginning as a    in 2017, and will handle the logistics
      Course. Raju also has a wealth of     service crew for an international     throughout the event. He and Raju
      experience as a top co-driver before   competitor for 2 editions, to driving   have done the route surveys
      an abrupt end closed that chapter                                           together and understand the needs
                                            the event Zero car for the next 5
      after a near fatal rally accident.    events and now as the Clerk of        of each other. Pipis' experience goes
        The responsibilities shouldered by
                                            Course, who will be responsible for   back many years to when he acted
      the C of C for this Iconic event are
                                            the safe running of this unique       as the logistics managers for one of
      immeasurable. Having spent eight
                                            endurance event.                      the rally teams.
      months preparing the classic rally      As he says very happily, “as an       Darshna is a familiar face in the
      route for 2019, covering well over    organizer in motorsports, and in      East African Classic Safari office,
      18,000km, the effort and dedication   particular with this African Classic   handling all the administration, from
      are exceptional. The duties continue   Adventure, I have come full circle   clearing of international entries
      and the entire rally is under his     and am thankful to Raju Kishinani     through customs to ensuring that
      control, up until the very last       and the entire team of officials, for   rooms are booked, official vehicles
      competitor and event official are     having faith and trust in me.”        allocated and overseeing the issuing
      accounted for and back safely at the    Organising a rally of the           of all paperwork to the necessary
      finish.                               magnitude of the East African Classic   personal. Darshna is supported by

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