Page 25 - Partners BROCHURE (Innovators Guide) 201218_1732 INT_Neat
P. 25



            3                                  collaboration

            Material Transfer Agreements                                          Mass General Brigham does not accept compensation for these human
                                                                                  tissue transfers (except for documented preparation costs and shipping
            Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) are a key element of the life science   fees) or patient data.
            research system. A Material Transfer Agreement
            allows investigators to receive material or human                                     MTA process. Only an authorized official (e.g. members
            tissue for pre-clinical research from an academic or   These agreements are           of the TAG group and Innovations Licensing Managers)
            non-profit lab outside.                            required by the federal            may negotiate and execute agreements on behalf of
                                                                                                  Mass General Brigham. In addition, MTAs often contain
            These agreements are required by the federal       government and are                 language related to intellectual property rights and as
            government and are also used to help track activities                                 such, need to be vetted to avoid taking on unwanted legal
            that might affect ownership or licensing of results.   also used to help track        risk by the institution and investigator. The Transactional

            The Innovation Transactional Affairs Group (TAG)   activities that might              Affairs Group is staffed by attorneys to quickly and
            negotiates several thousand MTAs per year covering                                    efficiently manage the execution of the agreement.
            research materials provided by another researcher or   affect ownership or            For additional information, please contact:
            company.                                           licensing of results.    ,
            The external transfer of material or human tissue from                                or TAG
            a Mass General Brigham lab to an outside group, for-
            profit entity or academic institution also requires an MTA. Such transfer   A few notes on MTAs:
            should be done as part of a scientific collaboration between the providing
            investigator and the receiving party. Such transfer is permissible only if:  •  If the material needed is commercially available, it may be purchased.
                                                                                    Mass General Brigham Supply Chain is the required path for purchasing.
            •  Part of a genuine research collaboration in furtherance of the hospital’s
             medical and educational mission; and,                                •  If the material will be received at no cost (or for a nominal transfer fee),
            •  Intended to maintain active, ongoing involvement in the company’s work   an MTA is required and should be requested through Innovation. Note
             with the specimens in an area of science that is of interest to her or    that even if the material does not involve a direct cost, the terms of the
             him; and,                                                              MTA will specify limitations on use of the material and, in some cases,
            •  Results of the study will be made readily available to the Mass General   the rights of the parties to the agreement to file protective intellectual
             Brigham investigator. If it is reasonably likely that a publication may   property applications related to discoveries derived from the experiments
             result, the investigator is free to publish.                           that utilized the materials.
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