Page 66 - Partners BROCHURE (Innovators Guide) 201218_1732 INT_Neat
P. 66


                                               Managing Conflicts

            13                                 of Interest (COI)

            The HMS I(b)Rule, the “Research Support Rule,” initially prohibits receiving   HMS I(d): The HMS I(d) Rule, or the “External Activity Rule,” states that
            sponsored clinical or non-clinical research support from a company if the   all Mass General Brigham researchers who serve in a fiduciary role to a
            innovator has:                                                        for-profit biomedical company may not participate in clinical research on
                                                                                  the company’s technology nor receive sponsored research support from
            i.  Any equity in a private company, or                               the company. A fiduciary role includes but is not limited to members of the
            ii.  Equity greater than 1% in a public company.                      fiduciary board of directors, executive positions, managers of or members
            This prohibition may be overcome through a petition to the Mass General   of a member-managed limited liability company, and partners in a
            Brigham and HMS faculty COI committees that demonstrates that the     partnership or limited liability partnership. Serving on a Scientific Advisory
            benefits of the proposed research outweigh the risks and the financial   Board is not considered a fiduciary role.
            interest can be appropriately managed. Note that “sponsored research   Like the Executive Position Rule, the External Activity Rule applies only to
            support” has a specific, and broad, definition, and includes gifts that are   financial interests held by the faculty member (not family members).
            made solely for the support of the Faculty member’s research or laboratory,
            and equipment and materials under many circumstances. Again, OII      There are no exceptions to this rule.
            assists in the petition process.

            The following are two additional HMS policies that have been adopted by
            Mass General Brigham of which innovators should be aware.
            HMS I(c): The HMS/Mass General Brigham I(c) Rule, or the “Executive
            Position Rule,” prohibits full-time HMS faculty, and Mass General Brigham
            Researchers who are also Institutional Officials, from serving in an
            executive position in a for-profit business engaged in commercial or
            research activities of a biomedical nature. An “executive position” includes
            positions that carry certain titles, e.g., CEO, COO, CFO, Scientific or Medical
            Director, but also has a broader scope and includes any position that is
            responsible for a material part of the operation or management of
            a Business.

            The Executive Position Rule applies only to positions held by the faculty
            member (not family members).
            There are no exceptions to this rule.
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