Page 28 - Mass General Brigham - Innovators Guide 1.2
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            3                                  collaboration

            Consulting Agreements                                                 Institutional Service Agreements

            Industry recognizes great value in Mass General Brigham staff. Faculty can   Staff are often approached by outside parties (companies, government
            consult with industry if the engagement follows organizational policies. All   agencies, foundations, schools, etc.) and asked to provide specific services
            agreements for individual consulting are subject to institutional review and   in exchange for a fee. The range of requested services can cover a wide
            approval. The Office for Interactions with Industry (OII) administers this   variety of activities, such as evaluation, feedback, and/or testing related to
            process (please see later description). These agreements are entered into   devices, software or compounds; retrospective reviews of data or literature
            by an investigator or Mass General Brigham employee (the “Consultant”),   associated with research studies; demonstration of clinical techniques;
            to perform services for a third party. This must not involve Mass General   development of training programs focused on specific disease states; and
            Brigham resources, property, technology, information or other assets   providing other consulting services. The Institutional Service Agreement
            of Mass General Brigham. OII reviews these agreements solely for their   (ISA) is used to document the terms and conditions for such services.
            compliance with institutional policies, not for the personal, business   To ensure that system resources and assets are utilized only in projects
            interests of the Consultant.
                                                                                  that support the system’s charitable mission, all proposed ISA projects
            To start the process, the potential consultant should send an email, with   must be reviewed and approved by an appropriate official. Please note that
            the proposed agreement, to This will initiate the   indirect cost (IDC) rates for ISAs are 59% for industry, 44% for academia.
            review process. The Consultant will be asked to complete a Conflict of   The lab or department where the work is to be done is the proponent of
            Interest questionnaire. After completion of the questionnaire, OII will review   the project and is responsible for obtaining required review and approval.
            the agreement. The Consultant should contact OII through the above    When submitting an ISA proposal for review, the following information
            address with questions or queries about status of the approval process.  should be provided:
                                                                                  •  A description of the scope;
                                                                                  •  Identification of the company, agency, foundation, etc.;
                                                                                  •  A project budget;
                                                                                  •  A statement of justification;
                                                                                  •  A discussion of any other relevant considerations, including whether any
                                                                                    of the system staff who will work on the project have a personal financial
                                                                                    interest in the outside party
                                                                                  An ISA usually must be prepared or reviewed by the Office of the General
                                                                                  Counsel before it is finalized and signed.
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