Page 7 - Harlem Sukkot Companion 2020
P. 7
Illustrator’s Foreword
By Ally Pockrass
Sukkot in Harlem is filled with community, food, and gathering. It is really a hallmark holiday for
the community, drawing in regulars, new and old friends, and special guests. Sukkot in Harlem is
filled with song and propelled by personal histories and the joys of being together. It is also a time
where the various sub-communities come together to celebrate, share a meal, exchange words of
Torah, and get to know each other.
Unfortunately, Sukkot will be affected by the pandemic like so many of our holidays have been
this year. But I hope that we take this time to deepen our relationships with Judaism and the
holidays. To feel community in a new and meaningful way. Although we may not be able to gather
in great numbers in the Sukkah, we can enjoy a meal with our bubbles in one of the many sukkot
around the neighborhood. Sukkah hopping can commence. We can still shake the lulav and etrog.
And, most of all, we can reflect on how far we’ve come as a Jewish nation, as a community, and
as individuals. I hope that this companion, and the art within it, can serve as a conduit for that
reflection this year.
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