Page 4 - E-module BING IX
P. 4

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

                      First  of  all,  thanks  to  the  presence  of  Allah  SWT  for  His  mercy  and

              guidance so that the writer can complete the preparation and publish of this
              writing  module.  This  module  is  a  companion  module  and  supports  English

              learning  activities,  especially  writing  materials  for  SMPN  class  IX  odd
              semester. The preparation of this writing module follows the development of
              national education and is in line with the Merdeka Curriculum.

                     The material and tasks/activities in this writing module are prepared based
              on the expectations and needs of students to achieve learning objectives. The

              presentation  of  the  material  in  the  tasks/activities  in  this  writing  module  is
              arranged according to the students' level of understanding and also the latest

              writing  topics  added  to  this  writing  module.  Through  this  writing  module,
              students  are  invited  to  think,  be  active,  discuss,  and  develop  their  spiritual

              attitude through learning activities. Thus these competencies can be achieved
              at the end of learning.
                   Finally, the author would like to thank all parties for their cooperation,

              assistance,  and  patience  in  realizing  this  module.  The  writer  hopes  that  this
              writing  module  will  be  well  received,  become  a  companion  and  support  for

              learning  activities,  and  provide  the  widest  possible  benefits  for  students,
              teachers, and the world of education.

              Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

                                                                                                    Cirebon, 3 April 2024

                                                                                                              The writer

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