Page 17 - LCM_issue_01_Jan2020
P. 17
We did a long interview I am very pragmatic. So, when your tools are
that flows like a river and not vintage you have to push the limit of the
I must thank Mary McIntyre machines and to make the set up your own.
f r o m TO N N R E C O R D I N G S
who brought us in contact.
Ladies and Gents, pour
red wine in your glasses
and tune in to our French
guest, MADMOIZEL !!!
Hello Madmoizel and
welcome to WL//WH. I saw
your name in the showcase
compilation ‘Fast Forward’
by Tonn Recordings, with
the track “Mystery”. Let’s
go straight to the news;
what is this track? What
are we expecting from you
in 2021?
Hello dear Mike! Thank Photo by: Major Kata – Rockstar Photographers
you for your focus on
MADMOIZEL. are coming: releases, col- raw modular sound which
laborations, remixes…and reminds me also the one
“Mystery”, which ends the I would love so much to of Nova Guardia, a brilliant
last compilation of TONN announce live show…maybe artist on TONN too. The
Recordings, is a special end of 2021! Let’s hope! perfect sound for under-
song inspired by the lyrics ground live-acts. Watch a
which are both directly Listen to “Fast Forward” video live of them both
taken from words said by compilation HERE and you will understand.
a friend of mine and also The evening I uploaded the
reflecting what I had to go In June 2020 I also saw your album of David I immedi-
through at a certain period name in the ‘Intersection ately had a crush on “La
of life. III’ compilation via the Noche”. So when TONN
same label where you put suggested to participate
About 2021, dif fer ent your hands on “La Noche” to a “Covers” compilation
projects are in progress, from Colombian artist David I could not resist to choose
ot hers a re alm ost fi n - Pinilla, confess please… that song - even if cover-
ished. But as I am supersti- ing a track you love is a
tious, I prefer not talking I have a special affec- real challenge…but “chal-
about things before they tion for David P. A stylish lenges” stimulate me. So,
are 100% achieved. No smoker with a huge and I decided to slow down the
doubt about my contin- refined musical culture. tempo, to bring the fem-
uous musical work and I Its debut album on TONN inine and sultry touch.
can say that new things has everything I love. A I also was inspired by