Page 33 - Issue 63_FINAL WEB normal_Neat
P. 33
13th January 1938 - 8th August 2019
Geoffrey Allum was born in Hatfield, the same race when he competed 30
Hertfordshire. Following his apprenticeship years earlier as a 19 year old in 1957.
and National Service he had a 50 year Go forward another 20 years, and at the
career as a Scriber Designer & Technical age of 70 and after a serious operation
Optical Engineer with RPD Precision Geoff returned to ride the same event.
Drawings in Potters Bar.
The hardriders course has many twists
Geoff and Averil married in October and turns, as it climbs and dives through
1964, and 5 years later as a family they minor roads between Hertford and Potters
moved east to Norfolk. Geoff was a Bar, an area once dubbed “Little
loving father to five children, and much Switzerland”. Overnight rain left several
loved granddad to 14 grandchildren, and parts flooded and washed sand and debris
great granddad to 11 great across others. Corners
grandchildren. demanded great care and
descents considerable
Apart from his family,
Geoff’s great passion was courage and discretion. In
cycling. As a teenager he his 70th year, Geoff deemed
joined the Welwyn 35mph fast enough and
Wheelers in Hatfield, then fingered the brakes on some
became a member of of the steep drops as he
Elsynge Racing Club recorded 1:32:32 on a
between from 1956 to classic time trial bike with
1962. He joined the Kings 6-speed block and down
Lynn Cycling Club in 1972 tube gear-change. The Bert
and he was awarded VTTA Sizen Trophy, for the most
honorary life membership in meritorious ride of the year
2017. nominated by club
members, was awarded to
Geoff was Kings Lynn's Geoff.
veteran champion from
1992 to 1997 and 2001. He was also Throughout his membership
their club representative on the East of KLCC Geoff competed at all distances
District Cycling Association committee as except for 12 hour, in both club and open
well as being their treasurer for many events. For many years, Geoff was race
years. secretary for open club events and was also
a willing helper. He made many good and
Geoff had many achievements in cycling, life-long friends in the cycling community,
but one of his prouder moments was at and was well liked and respected for his
the classic North Road Hardriders 25 wealth of cycling knowledge and
mile time trial in 1987. At age 49, in commitment to sharing his skills and
challenging conditions Geoff rode well to knowledge, encouraging up and coming
record 1:21:59, finishing strongly in a top cycling enthusiasts.
class field which included three British
champions. Geoff was pleased to find In retirement Geoff continued cycling,
that his finishing time was only 44 completing his last race at the age of 79,
seconds slower than his original effort in and was still turning the pedals a matter
of weeks before he passed away, at
home with his family around him.