Page 71 - Issue 63_FINAL WEB normal_Neat
P. 71
The secretary reported a very successful year, as did Mike Jupp. He wants to ensure that in future issues
the treasurer, with no increase in subscriptions. The all time trial results of members are included. This
recorder Robert Hutchinson indicated that he had a was accepted but it was pointed out that many
received an encouraging crop of claims for standard promoters now seem reluctant to provide this
medals despite the updated standards. He proudly facility. Members should send their results to our
announced our successes and in particular the editor Paul, as well as our recorder Robert. Mike
amazing performance of Michelle Lee. Those of us was also concerned about other matters concerning
who remember the legendary Ray Booty will be the journal but these will have to be held over until
delighted to hear that she surpassed even his best the next AGM before they can be properly
time for 100 miles with 3:48:23 as a veteran. considered. Altogether a most interesting and
fruitful meeting and a good social get together.
Our new magazine editor Paul Freegard was anxious
to know what we thought of his efforts over the past Finally may I remind you not to forget to tender your
year. He had no need for any doubts and must be subscriptions, which are due on 1st January and
encouraged to believe he is definitely a success. also may I remind you to include in your 2020 diary
Webmaster Tony Emery, in a written report, indicated the date for the Prize Presentation which is the 4th
that he was very pleased with the way headquarters April. You can enter the time trial for £3-00 and the
were handling our web site. I handed in my report excellent food will cost you just £5-00. This to be
and agreed to continue writing a quarterly report for sent to our secretary Gordon Scott, in advance.
'The Veteran' magazine and hoped that everyone
found them acceptable. Happily the committee The West Vet Editor is looking for contributions for
agreed to be re-elected en block, though it was the next magazine, so get your pens out, we all
thought that younger members might like to consider have a story to tell.
taking an interest in joining the committee and
beginning to learn the skills for the future. YORKSHIRE
When it came to nominations for the Bicknell Award Chris Goode
we were unanimous in putting forward our President One of the highlights for the Yorkshire Group in
Ted King once again - perhaps I should explain 2019, has been the huge increase in those applying
why. Probably because of his modest nature not for standard awards, up from 15 (in 2018) to 52 this
everyone is aware of the lifelong contribution he has year. Our Recorder, Jymmy Trevor, has put a huge
made to promoting cycling in all it's aspects over his effort into organising the results for the various
entire life time. He rose through the ranks to competitions and it is hoped that the 45 successful
become a very respected President of the CTC; he riders, who share 140 standard beating rides
has raced and taken an active part in VTTA between them, will pick up their awards at the 75 th
activities for many years; his knowledge of all Anniversary lunch, at the Bridge Inn, Walshford, on
cycling matters is unsurpassed and he is always the 26 th January. Tickets are £23 per person from Mike
first person to roll up his sleeves whenever a job is Williams and raffle prizes will be appreciated. The
to be done. It was years before it was realised that guests are Andrew Simpkins, the National Chairman
he deserved an MBE for his services for cycling. of the VTTA, and our very own Andy Jackson.
We sincerely hope that his massive contribution,
from which we have all benefited, will at last be The Yorkshire Group Ladies BAR (over 10, 25 and
recognised by those responsible for awarding this 50 miles, unlike national competitions) was won by
honour in his 91st year. Fiona Sharp (Team Swift) with +44:27, ahead of
Karen Taylor (Team Sportslab) +41:58 and Carol
After some discussion we have decided to re- O’Connor (Calder Clarion) +39:42.
arrange the distribution of our trophies to
acknowledge the expanding contribution of our lady Congratulations are in order to Andy Jackson
(AeroCoach) and Darren Yarwood (Vive le Velo).
members and a new shield is to be prepared for Darren won the 3 Distance Competition (over 25, 50
future presentation.
and 100 miles) with +54:13 and Liz Ball (Valley
As we came to the end of the meeting we had to Striders CC) was the highest placed lady with
consider a proposal from our former journal editor +31:10. Andy Jackson won the Short Distance