Page 14 - GETTI book summer 2024
P. 14

A conexão de passado e futuro em

                                                                                                               artigos  duradouros,  elegantes  e

                                                                                                               atemporais com texturas marcantes.

                                                                                                               A estampa animal, natural; o toque
                                                                                                               a v e l u d a d o   e   a    u i d e z   d o s

                                                                                                               m o v i m e n t o s   d a s   s u p e r f í c i e s

                                                                                                               entalhadas,  remetem  ao  clássico,

                                                                                                               que é sempre atual, perene.


                                                                                                               The connection of past and future in

                                                                                                               lifelong, elegant, timeless articles with

                                                                                                               striking  textures.  The  natural  animal

                                                                                                               print,  the  velvety  touch,  and  the

                                                                                                               uidity  of  the  movements  of  the

                                                                                                               carved  surfaces,  refer  to  the  classic,
                                                                                                               which is always current, perennial.
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