Page 5 - CPG - Clinical Practice Guidelines - Management of Cancer Pain
P. 5

Management of Cancer Pain (Second Edition)
                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

                  No.  Title                                          Page
                      4.5   Adjuvants                                                                           34
                      4.6   Medical Cannabis                            38
                      4.7   Anticancer Therapy                          39

                  5.  PSYCHOSOCIAL INTERVENTION                         42
                      5.1   Psychoeducation Intervention                42
                      5.2   Psychological Intervention                  42
                      5.3   Spiritual Intervention                      43
                  6.  INTERVENTIONAL TECHNIQUES/SURGERY                 44
                      6.1   Neurolysis                                  44
                      6.2   Neuraxial Opioids                           45
                      6.3   Vertebroplasty                              46
                      6.4   Surgical Intervention                       46

                  7.   OTHER INTERVENTION                               48
                  8.  PAEDIATRIC CANCER PAIN                            50
                      8.1   Principles of Pain Assessment               51
                      8.2   Pain Assessment Tools                       52
                      8.3   Treatment                                   52

                  9.  BARRIERS AND EDUCATION                            57

                  10.  FOLLOW-UP AND REFERRAL                           59

                  11.  IMPLEMENTING THE GUIDELINES                      61
                      11.1  Facilitating and Limiting Factors           61
                      11.2  Potential Resource Implications             61

                      References                                        63
                      Appendix 1   Example of Search Strategy           71
                      Appendix 2   Clinical Questions                   73
                      Appendix 3   Sedation Score                       75
                      Appendix 4   Assessment Tools                     76
                                 a. Ministry of Health (MoH) Pain Scale    76
                                 b. FLACC Scale                         77
                                 c. Verbal Rating Scale (VRS)           77
                                 d. Short-form McGill Pain              78
                                    Questionnaire (SF-MPQ-2)
                                 e. Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic     79
                                    Symptoms and Signs (LANSS) Scale
                                 f.  PainDETECT Questionnaire           80

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