Page 6 - Beep Beep March 23
P. 6
SMB : FEBRUARY 2023 A glorious – HOT – day at Peregian Springs.
The Pool Café at Peregian Springs was the venue for the first Secret Men's Business for 2023. With 26 members attending there were plenty of jokes, lots of car talk and general waffling on.
These coffee mornings are a great avenue for our male members to get together and swap ideas and tall stories.
Good to see Tony Slattery there after his recent stint in hospital, and also Scotty – back after a forced lay-off.
But we missed Malcom King who is spending time in the pits at the moment.
Our next SMB will be at The Nutworks, Yandina (very apt name!) on 6th March – don’t forget to register.
John McGovern
Photos from John McGovern