Page 10 - Beep Beep april 2022
P. 10

     SMB in March at ROADSIDE RELICS
A big thanks to club member Mike Mundy for showing the boys through his ‘Roadside Relics’ business in Gympie. Mike has an eye for unique antique relics and it was a buzz to see his collection of rare cars, bikes and memorabilia.
The vehicles are mostly in original state but the motorcycles are mostly restored. Mike’s latest acquisition is a very early century hearse body and he is looking hard to find period running gear to suit – namely a 1920s Dodge, Model T etc.
Mike’s shop survived the Gympie flood but many others didn’t and our thoughts go out to those who were severely affected.
Thanks to those members
who travelled the distance to see the relics – just can’t help but be impressed with his collection.
Cheers : Noel

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