Page 3 - Beep Beep april 2022
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    Members visit to
Bowden’s Own Premium Car Care
Saturday 26th March 2022
40 members eager to learn about products to keep their beloved vehicles in tip-top shiny condition enjoyed learning all Dan Bowden’s excellent top tips.
A tasty BBQ brekkie was prepared beforehand by Peter Bowden.
The Bowden family are great friends of the Club and we sincerely thank them for giving us so much time and support on this and other occasions.
The event also raised $550 for PTSD dogs Australia: well done !!
   Bowdens Own Car Care has finally opened up for Demo’s after a long time of closed doors due to the Pandemic. Our Car Club was first cab off the rank with Dan Bowden and the crew giving us plenty of tips on how to clean your car.
We all had a BBQ breakfast supplied by Bowdens which was well appreciated.
Dan and the crew gave us an interesting foam clean demo on his beautiful green Ford Sprint – that guy can talk!
After the demo we all gravitated to the shop where most members left with armfuls of products and a FREE bucket!
Wallets empty we then had a tour of a handful of collectable cars in the warehouse – these were very special indeed!
Thanks to everyone who donated to charity by way of the $10 entry fee requested by the Roadrunner Car Club and Bowdens Own – great result with $550 going to the PTSD dogs.
The Roadrunner Car Club is well supported by Bowdens Own Car Care by providing us with products to give away as prizes throughout the year for which we are most grateful, and it was pleasing to see members supporting them by purchasing these locally made products – a great day!!
 Everyone enjoyed the Demo and many made purchases afterwards to put into practice the great cleaning top tips so well explained by Dan Bowden
 Cheers Noel

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