Page 2 - Beep Beep November 2022
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 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Hello Roadrunners
Distinguished Gentleman’s Drive 2022
I can report that this year’s event was again a great success and raised $16,451.00. Thank you to those participants who raised money from friends and family. Our top earner was Frank Lowndes raising an incredible $3,266.00 – very well done Frank!
The 2023 DGDrive is scheduled for the 24th September, so put the date in your calendar and help support Men’s Health and Prostate Cancer Research.
Noosa Charity Car Show 2022
Despite the inclement weather, our Car Show went ahead albeit with smaller numbers of cars and spectators – however, thanks to all who attended. We raised in excess of $4,000.00 which is still a great result for Katie Rose Cottage Hospice.
Annual General Meeting 6th November 2022
With the AGM to be held on the 6th November 2022, we still have three positions to fill. We now have nominations for Secretary and Treasurer but not for President and Vice President.
Management Committee Positions
years now I hope that someone else will assume the role and guide the Club into the future.
The Club is in great shape with all systems and procedures in place and working well, so the task for an incoming President should be straightforward and I will happily offer whatever support they need.
The President’s and Vice President’s ‘role description’ can be downloaded by clicking the following links on the Club Website:
President’s Role Description :
..\..\Committee roles\President.pdf
Vice President’s Role Description :
..\..\Committee roles\Vice President.pdf
To find these links go to the drop down menu under MEMBERS and select MEMBER INFO.
Vice President
Social Co-ordinator B position is vacant – currently held by Judy Bickley who does not wish to continue in the role. A full list of current Management and Committee members can be found on the last page of this issue of Beep Beep and on the Club Website.
At the AGM all positions will be declared vacant with anyone nominated [either beforehand, or from the floor] being elected or, where there is more than one nomination for the position, a vote taken.
The prescribed time for nominations to be accepted (14 days prior to AGM) has now passed, however there is still an opportunity for nominations to be taken from the floor at the meeting.
I have decided that after 4 years, I will not renominate for President.
I believe it is important that the Club has renewal, and that the President should ideally, only serve for a maximum four years. So having been President for 4
Vacant – Judy Bickley – nominated Vacant – John Hewitt – nominated

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