Page 4 - Beep Beep May 2022
P. 4

     Sunshine Coast Antique Car Club
Saturday 23 April 2022
Special invitation to the SCACC Club Rooms in Nambour.
   Photos from Noel
St John-Wood
A big THANKS to all the members who came along to this get together initiated by the Sunshine Coast Antique Car Club.
The Roadrunner Car Club was invited to the SCACC Club rooms at the Nambour Show Grounds for a combined car display and a very scrumptious morning tea including sausage rolls and pies. Their Clubrooms are amazing with generous kitchen facilities, meeting rooms and a comprehensive library. Unfortunately the scheduled Guest Speaker, Frank Lowndes, had come down with a dose of Covid but he is on the improve which is good news.
There were many very nice cars on display from both Clubs and all the members enjoyed the conversations between new, enthusiastic faces.
A few showers earlier in the morning may have stopped a few coming along but around 50 attended and that really made for a good get together.
Both Clubs will have a combined event sometime in the near future so that should be a bit of fun.
Great Day! Thanks again to all the Roadrunner Car Club members who attended.
Cheers Noel

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