Page 66 - ISSUE27
P. 66

The last name Taft has been synonymous in American history with our 27th president, William How- ard Taft. Billy boy, a large, cheeky fellow from Cincinnati, Ohio faced many trials and tribulations in
his term of Presidency, as he was pressured into holding the name of his predecessor high, Teddy Roosevelt. In the motocross world, Bradley Taft is a hot commodity, looking to surpass his predeces- sors of Loretta Lynn A class stardom, and make his mark everlasting on the professional tour. Train- ing with the likes of Gareth Swanepoel and Cooper Webb, Taft has all the tools necessary to compete amongst the elite. The gates of the professional ranks can be frightening, but with the courage we’ve seen this young man show in the past, he looks as ready as ever.

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