Page 55 - OCTOBER-2017
P. 55

He kept the rear fender of his fellow Kawasaki rider within
his sights all the way until the checkered flag, pushing himself to an impressive level of speed that afforded him with a second place finish between two Team Dunlop Elite riders. In the first (9-13) moto, Janik suffered a little bit out of the gate and end- ed up fighting through the first corner in seventh position. The Illinois native held his ground against the older competition, moving forward to sixth position by the end of the race. Sunday brought the eleven year old’s most challenging day of racing with an eleventh place finish in the (9-13) class and a DNF in the (9-11) Limited class, but he was able to regroup for the final day of action and put together two solid motos in order to
end the weekend on a positive note. He started the day with an incredible performance in which he negated a start outside of the top five by blasting through the field on the opening lap, moving from sixth to third place in an in- stant. The Illinois native clocked the fastest lap of the race on the second lap, passing Leland Go- laszewski for second position, as he shifted his focus to the lead. The track position off of the start ultimately cost him the moto win as he proved with his speed and aggression throughout the race that he was capable of winning, but it was an impressive second place finish nonetheless. Unfor- tunately, the DNF from Sunday hindered his overall result, but those who were in attendance
at the Brawl witnessed the pace of the Team Green Kawasaki rider. In addition to his stellar performance in the morning, Janik ended the weekend with a fourth place in the (9-13) class, his best result of the weekend in the division, contributing to a fifth place overall finish.

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