Page 24 - Taming Your Gremlin A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Rick Carson)_Neat
P. 24


                More About Gremlins

                Gremlins are very sophisticated and have developed elaborate styles of
                blocking the natural, excited, vibrant soul within each of us. As you
                increase your awareness of your own gremlin, you may actually develop
                some appreciation for his creativity. My choice to use a male pronoun in

                general reference to gremlins grows out of my very intimate (not to be
                confused with enjoyable) relationship with my own gremlin, who most
                often presents himself as a male. I say “most often” because gremlins
                change not only their gender but their entire personality from moment to
                moment and from situation to situation.

                     Your gremlin can appear as your best friend and adviser, or as your
                grossest and most ill-intentioned enemy. Regardless of his appearance, he
                must be observed. Left to carry out his own will, he will make you

                miserable. He might allow you occasional highs, but most often he will lead
                you into periods of intense anxiety, sadness, anger, and eventually

                                             GREMLINS I HAVE MET

                Many of my clients, students, and trainees have come to know their
                gremlins so well that they have developed their abilities to visualize them.
                They tell me that this has been an aid in helping them to tame their

                     A few of the gremlins my clients have introduced me to are described
                below. Your gremlin may resemble any or all of these, but I assure you that
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