Page 13 - iAV Digital Magazine Edition #371
P. 13

The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
University Offers ‘Wasting Time On The Internet’ Class
Creative writing students at the University of Pennsylvania will finally get a chance to major in what every undergrad dreams of: wasting
time on the internet.
Poet, UbuWeb founder and professor Kenneth Goldsmith is teaching a weekly class next semester which requires students to "stare at the screen for three hours, only interacting through chat rooms, bots, social media and listservs".
Appropriately, the semi- nar is titled "Wasting time on the internet". The only course materi- als needed are a wi-fi connection and a laptop.
Unlike the conventional wisdom about procrasti- nating online, Goldsmith believes that enforcing a state of "distraction, multi-tasking, and aim- less drifting" might prove as creatively fertile as automatic writing was for the Surrealist writers.
“I’m so tired of reading, every time you pick up a paper, on how bad the Web is," he told
the Washington Post. "I don’t think that’s true. I think the Internet is making us smarter."
Unfortunately, students will not be graded on how much time and out- rage they waste on the
Daily Mail Sidebar of Shame. Goldsmith wants his class to take the raw materials of "clicking, SMSing, sta- tus-updating and ran- dom surfing" and turn them into "substantial works of literature".
Goldsmith is also the brains behind one of the most popular creative writing classes at Penn: Uncreative Writing, in which all class assign- ments must be com- pletely plagiarised, stolen and copied from other sources.
In 2013, he was appointed the first Poet Laureate of the Museum of Modern Art.
Carpet cleaner, very good cond $100 • 547-5495372
Fridge 25cuft, good cond $100 • 941-5640372
Kenmore refrigerator w/ ice- maker, white $75 • 818-687- 1044372
GE apartment refrigerator, off white, good cond. Make offer • 974-1605371
New LG pedestal kit. Good for washer & dryer. Retail $299; sell $150 • 206-5281371
Kenmore side by side refrig- erator/ freezer w/ ice maker. Works & looks good. $250 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm371
GE microwave, black, great cond $30 • 754-0153370
RV/mobile home refrigera- tor. Propane/ electric, 12V, need door seal $45 •  544- 7074369
George Foreman grill, elec- tric skillet $25 • 943-3422369
Wood burning stove for up to 20’ long logs $395 • 272-
$200 •  824-4442 / 808- 1967373
Wood burning stove w/ pipng $800 • 728-7687372
Large Swamp cooler, side draft for 3 rooms. Trade for smaller swamp cooler • 305-5724371
Ceramic fireplace w/ log & grate $50 • 943-3422370
Dining room light fixture $15 • 361-2734370
Electric water heater, 120v •
Natural gas 30gal water heater, good cond $130 • 544-7074369
Plastic shell swamp cooler for side, window mount. Good for up to 1350sqft. Looks & works great $150 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only359
Older all metal swamp cool- er. Down draft $95. Good for up to 1050sqft. Looks & works good • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only359
500pcs of cotton baby dia- pers, new cond 50¢ each • 943-6071372
Fancy & beautiful bassinet, almost new. Bottom can hold diapers & bottles $20 •
Tiny Tots car for sale $30 • 210-0103369
3 in one bed. Crib turns into toddler bed to teen bed $250 • 210-0103369
Brand new 100’s of baby cotton diapers. Make offer • 943-6071369
Used car seats in good cond w/ washable fabric $20 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm only354
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9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only
Whirlpool upright freezer, frost free. Approx 24cuft. Looks & works fine $190 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm
3 Fireplace grates w/ gas logs $15ea • 943-6071374
3 Wood stove for sale $50-

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