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The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
MasterCard Launching Selfie Payments
by Alanna Petroff
The company announced it is launch- ing new mobile technolo- gies that will allow cus- tomers to authenticate their online purchases using selfies or finger- prints.
The technology will be rolled out by big banks in the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and some European countries over the next few months.
People from around the world will be regularly using this authentication technology within five years, said Ajay Bhalla, president of enterprise security solutions at MasterCard (MA). Bhalla said that using facial and fingerprint scans for purchases is safer than typed pass- words since many cus- tomers foolishly use easy-to-guess codes.
Customers who want to try selfie authentication will have to download a special MasterCard app that will allow them to take a photo each time they make an online pur- chase. Their face (or fin- gerprint) will be scanned to prove that they -- not hackers or thieves -- are making a purchase.
The scan will verify that
it's a legitimate selfie -- instead of a previously taken photo -- by requir- ing users to blink when they take their own photo.
The fingerprint authenti- cation can be used on new smartphones, including the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S. MasterCard said it's also working on other ways to authenticate purchases, including monitoring a customer's heartbeat. Iris scans and voice recognition are also being explored.
MasterCard is not alone in introducing new tech- nology to replace typed passwords.
HSBC (HSBC) announced last week
that millions of account holders would soon be able to use their voice and fingerprints to access their money.
People who use HSBC's phone banking services will be able to register their voice with the com- pany instead of using a regular password. Special voice biometrics technology will analyze a customer's voice when they call the bank. Even if customers get a cold, the technology should still work.
Customers with the lat- est iPhones -- which already boast fingerprint login technology -- will be able to access their accounts on their mobile phones using their fin- gerprint.
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