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The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
WomanKilledBoyfriendFor Spending TooMuchTimeOnFacebook
información llame al : Rosamond Programa de Alfabetización de Adultos 661-256-6212
Antelope Valley pregnancy Counseling Center & Women’s Clinic • Free Pregnancy Tests • Pre-natal Counseling • Medi-Cal Referrals • Limited Early Term Ultrasound We are open for Walk-ins Mon-Thurs 9am-2pm 1334 E. Palmdale Blvd, Ste E 661-947-0400
pro-liFe roSAry
12pm-1pm Family Chapel Sacred Heart Church 565 West Kettering Lancaster
Fridays: 12 noon-1pm Saint Mary Church 1600 E. Avenue R-4 Palmdale
1st Saturdays of Month 7:45am-9am Adoration Room Fr. Serra Church 42121 N. 60th st West Quartz Hill
Stop Pearblossom pollu- tion!. Report illegal tires & trash dumping • 723-4440284
Personal Prayer Line. Confidential. One on One. No Charge! 942-0808
Preserve our Desert Beauty.
STop illegal Dumping!
Report to: 1-888-Clean LA 1-888-253-2652
Halfway To Home is a Non- Profit 501(c)3 Animal Rescue located in Mojave, California. We adopt our dogs out at Petsmart in West Palmdale (next to Trader Joes) every Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 5pm. You can also view all our adoptable dogs on We are in need of money to help support our SPAY and NEUTER PROGRAM. If you would like to help us, please send your tax deductable donation to HALFWAY TO HOME, PO BOX 512, Rosamond, CA Pls call Suzanne at (661)824-4495.
Veterans of America. Needs
A British hairdresser was sentenced to life in prison last week after she plunged a knife into her boyfriend’s heart — because she felt he spent too much time on Facebook.
Moments before the killing, Palmer posted: “He p***** me off sitting on Facebook, completely blanking me when I’m talking to him,” according to The Mirror Online.Terri-Marie Palmer, 23, broke down in tears as she was con- victed of 24-year-old Damon Searson’s mur- der following a one-week trial, where the details emerged about the fatal end of their rocky rela- tionship, according to multiple reports.
She regularly posted on the social media site about how Searson would ignore her while scrolling through Facebook messages on his phone, adding ran- dom girls and posting shirtless photos of him-
donations. • 944-0383
“Gross,” she wrote on one of his topless pics.
“Didn’t expect any differ- ent to come out of your mouth f–king b–ch,” he fired back.
Eventually, Palmer texted her man that she was fed up — and furi- ous.
“Crying myself to sleep for the second time this week and it’s only
Wednesday. Thanks Damon. I’m so angry and hurt I honestly want to f–king stab you,” she wrote, according to The Mirror Online.
The two met at Palmer’s hair salon, Costa Del Sol in Lancaster, England, and moved in together last July.
But by August, Palmer said she planned to leave him, complaining that she had to pay his way, since he was
unemployed, and that he was also becoming pos- sessive.
On Aug. 14, she stabbed him to death — leaving the bloody bread knife on the floor and telling cops he had harmed himself, according to the reports.
Palmer will have to serve at least 12 years in the slammer before she is up for parole.
Tehachapi Humane Society is holding Kitten Adoption at Palmdale PetsMart. Every 2nd & 4th Saturday of Each Month. Each Kitten will be ready to take home.
Jolene’s Horse Rescue. Seeking sponsorship & vol- unteers are welcome, dona- tions: vehicle, tractors, & old farm equip. to help horse get on it's hooves. A non-profit organization. 285-5176
CheVron roSAMonD
Gas • Lotto • ATM • Snacks & Groceries • Coffee • Beer & Wines • Cigarettes Open 24 HRS 2072 Rosamond Blvd Rosamond (661)256-3389
MojAVe nApA AuTo pArTS Complete Automotive & Foreign Car Parts. Hard to Find Parts. Open 7 Days A Week 2325 Cerro Gordo St Mojave 661-824-4796 661-824-2983
MojAVe MoBil
Check Cashing • Beer • Soda • Hot & Cold Drinks & Etc. 15190 Sierra Hwy Mojave 661-824-3237
10Th & i SMoG & GAS $20 off with AD on Smog Gas • Check Cashing • Fax • ATM • Copies • Cold & hot Drinks • Snacks 1007 W. Ave I Lancaster 661-726-4975