Page 16 - IAV Digital Magazine #442
P. 16
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
Unusual Animal Found In California Dumpster Was Hairless Bear Cub
By Ben Hooper
Jan. 8 (UPI) -
- Animal rescuers in California said a creature with an unusual appear- ance that was rescued from a dumpster was found to be a female bear cub that had lost her hair.
The Bear League rescue group, based in Homewood,
said a group of residents rescued the hairless ani- mal from a dump- ster last month and brought her to the organiza- tion when they realized she was a bear cub.
The Bear League
said the cub, which had lost most of her fur due to a bad case of mange, was given emergency medical care for about a week to save her life.
"We've seen this condition before, it seems to result from the cub's mother being killed early in the season and then the very small young one tries desperately to make it on their own but goes hungry most of the time," the Bear League said in a Facebook post. "Their immune system is there- fore terribly com- promised and
they succumb to mange and stunt- ed growth."
California Department of Fish and Wildlife volunteers then brought the cub to The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center in San Diego County, where caregivers said she has been putting on weight and returning to health.
The rescuers said they are keeping an eye on the cub, estimated to be about a year old, to see if she regrows her hair and can
then eventually be releasedback into the wild.
Pranksters Board Trans Sans Pants For 2018 No Pants Subway Ride
By Ben Hooper
Jan. 8 (UPI) -
- Commuter trains in New York and around the world were filled with disrobed passengers for the 2018 No Pants Subway Ride.
The global event, which began in 2002 as a prank by New York group Improv Everywhere, featured hun- dreds of strap-
hangers in more than 60 cities- braving some- times frigid tem- peratures to ride the rails in their skivvies.
The No Pants Subway Ride -- or, as its known in Britain, the No Trousers Tube Ride -- took place Sunday in more than 60 cities, including New York, London, Chicago, Los Angeles, Jerusalem, Berlin, San
Francisco, Montreal and Lisbon.
The tempera- ture in New York during Sunday's event was only 17 degrees, while Chicagoans dro pped their pants with tempera- tures in the mid- 20s.
Participants in Montreal may have faced the worst conditions Sunday, with a temperature of 0 degrees.
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine