Page 13 - IAV Digital Magazine #405
P. 13

The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
table top dispenser. Great for Hershey or old candy memorabilia collectors $50 for set. I will not break • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm only373
New Ceasar Chavez framed wall poster/ picture. 40”high x 30”wide x 1” thick. This would look great on your wall $29 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm only373
Air conditioner, 220v, 13,000BTU $70 • 483-7609408
2 window air conditioners. One is huge, work great $75each • 206-5815404
Blinkman smoker, Jack Daniel, new $150 • 236- 8293404
Heir mini fridge, silver $70 • 236-8293404
Mini refrigerator, blck, Igloo $60 • 236-8293404
GE washer, white, xlnt cond $175 • 236-8293404
New ceiling fan light fixture in box. $25, Harbor Breeze • 272-9273 bet 8:00am-
Pocahonta doll & Barbies $3ea • 947-4343398
Barbie case on wheels w/ Barbie dolls $20 for all • 233-3389398
Older foldable single baby stroller $25. Heavy duty, built tough. Storage basket • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm385
8:30pm only
STReSSed oUT By yoUR deBTS??? STOP! Creditors Calling, Credit Card Debts, Foreclosures, Car Repos, Wage Garnishment, Medical Bills & Others FRee coNSUlTATIoN! Payment Plan Available Bankruptcy & Accident Law Offices of Ginger Marcos 661-341-3951 2 offices to Serve you Burbank & lancaster
Red & GReeN FARm
Filipino & Asian Market Fresh Seafoods, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Cooked Foods To Go Order your fish. We’ll clean & fry it 44164 10th West Lancaster 661-945-4245
99¢ SToP PlUS
Gifts, Party Supplies, Tools & Cleaning Supplies, School Supplies, Comforters & Beddings. All Credit Cards Accepted, Accept “Pay U Bill” 20354 Highway 202 Tehachapi 661-823-8620
SIeRRA lIQUoR & jR mARkeT Check Cashing, Money Order, Liquor & Beer, Fine Wine, Cigarettes, Lotto Low Prices 42145 Sierra Hwy Lancaster 661-948-3778
mojAVe lIQUoR
Beer • Wine • Liquor • Money Order • ATM • Groceries, We accept Credit Cards & Food Stamps 15600 Sierra hwy Mojave 661-824-2721
chAVez PARTy SUPPlIeS Everything you need for all your parties & Special Occassions at Discount Prices. Renta de jumpers, Sillas y mesas, Helium. Globos
New turkey fryer, large size w/ full tank of propane, xlnt cond $60 • 943-6071403
Chest freezer, white. Looks & works great $125 • 272- 9273 bet 8:00am-8:30pm
para toda ocasion Se Habla Espanol 838 E. Ave Q6 Palmdale 661-274-0557 cell: 213-948-3002
elISA’S VARIeTy SToRe & 99¢ mechANdISe UhAUl ReNTAl 2641 Diamond St Rosamond SToRe: 661-256-1074 UhAUl: 661-256-2847
AV dIScoUNT SToRe & GeNeRAl mechANdISe. 99¢ & moRe 44262 10th Street West Bet. Ave. K & Ave. J Lancaster 661-723-4976
el NoVIllo cARNIce- RIA mARkeT Fine Meats & Produce Cambiamos cheques de tra- bajo. Aceptamos Food Stamps 8714 East Ave T Litllerock 944-9639 944-9079 - Fax
B&k mARkeT
Beer, Wine, Lotto, Snacks, ATM, Groceries 2515 Center St.
ToWN & coUNTRy mARkeT Gas • Service deli • Snacks 13012 Pearblossom Hwy 944-4136 • 944-4137
Since 1947
The Finest in Fresh Fruits & Vegetables open 7 days 8202 Pearblossom Hwy. Littlerock (661)944-1364
BeN’S coRNeR
Fresh Produce, Fresh Meat Wholesale & Retail Wholesale delivery Service 710 West Ave. L Lancaster (661)942-4509
PIccAdIlly cIRcle 7 mINI mART Groceries, snacks & coffee, beer & wine, Lotto & others 42124 N. 50th St., W Quartz Hill (661) 722-9211
jeT Food & lIQUoR
Lotto • Beer • Liquor • Snacks • Groceries 43535 Gadsden Ave. • Lancaster (661)949-0107
Fri-Sat: 11am-8pm Sun: 11am-6pm Tues: Close 267-6700
Estate sale: Households items, furnitures, bedroom, kitchen, antiques & etc •
943-6071 Swamp cooloer $200 • 486-
408 0949
Neptune washer, good cond, large cap, like new
$200 • 264-3870 402
Kitchen Aid juicer $50; Lots of other kitchen elec- tronic items. Call for details
402 • 943-6071
Large upright freezer, works
401 perfectly $100 • 943-6071
Big box of Legos $144 •
407 946-7005
Children bedroom set. Dresser, chairs w/ antique rack over the dresser $100
Heavy duty toilet seat w/ 2 hand railings $25 • 349-
3660 407
2 Wheel chairs, aluminum ramps, 60lbs. 800lbs capac-
ity $275ea • 941-3265
8 40
3 Sets of cake decorating, used once, like new $20ea • 723-0362407
Evaporative cooler filter pads, new in box. 42”w x22”h x8”depth $140 • 941-
407 3265
• 943-6071
Rolling walkers for disabled or elderly. Folds up. No brakes or seat. $25, great cond • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm only
Pair of used cruthes. Good cond. Adjustable 5’10”-6’6” height $16 • 272-9273 bet
Firewood, logs & kettling $350 takes all • 943-6071
Extra large swamp cooler, new cond, 3spd, 4 casters, great for garage $250 •
Rocking hammock for new- born $30;	Baby walker
Mirror $40 • 718- Baby cradle, vibrates $25 •
$40; 2020
718-2020 Baby center $45 • 718-
8:30am-8:30pm only
Photo scrapping supplies. Enough to make a busi- ness. Make offer • 943-
6071 407
Earthquake water barrels. Cleaned & sanitized $85ec •
405 483-4529
Small aluminum tripod $15 •
256-4904 405
2020 Baby crib, complete, like
PAlmdAle INTeRNATIoNAl ShoPPING mAll 2520 E. Palmdale Bl Near Von’s & Burger King Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs: 11am-8pm
new $20 • 947-4343
Small boxes of new & used baby clothes. 3mons-1yr $10; 6mons-2yrs $20 •
New bedside portable toilet for handicap/ disabled $50 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
364 8:30pm
Toilet lift ring/doughnut. Adjustable, ready now $22 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
363 8:30pm
Men Work Longer Hours Than Women & WomenDoMoreHousework, Report Finds
By Kate Irby
The pressures on men to be breadwinners and women to be house- wives have been on their way out over the years, but a government study shows they’re still far from gone.
Employed men work an average of 42 minutes per day more than their female counterparts, according to the 2015 American Time Use Study by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. And while that’s partially due to more women working part-time jobs than men, even among full-time employees men worked 8.2 hours per day com- pared to women’s 7.8 hours.
Additionally, 50 percent of women said they did some housework, such as cleaning or laundry, every day, while only 22 percent of men said the same. And 70 percent of women said they prepped or cleaned up food in an average day, while 43 percent of men
said the same.
Men were slightly more likely than women to par- ticipate in yard work — 12 percent to 8 percent.
Women with children under 6 years old spend about an hour a day pro- viding physical care to
children, such as bathing or feeding them. Men in the same category spent 25 min- utes per day on physi- cal care.
However, that gap between genders is narrowing. Men who prep food every day has increased from 35 to 43 percent since 2003. Over the same period, women who do housework every day has decreased from 54 to 50 percent.
The study interviewed about 10,900 people in 2015 by telephone to obtain their results. The American Time Use Study has been conduct- ed annually since 2003.

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