Page 5 - IAV Edition #381
P. 5
The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
Aliens Are Out There And Area 51 is Real, Head of Nasa Says
We will one day find aliens, but they’re not in Area 51, the head of Nasa has said.
the billions of solar sys- tems in the universe.
“Today we know that
“I’ve been to a place called that but it’s a nor- mal research and devel- opment place,” he said.
Creo bulldog, 2nd genera- tion. Healthy, strong & loyal
385 $1500 • 445-1573
Free: Terrier to good home only, 5yrs old • 702-1905385
Horse, 5yrs old $200 • 818- 687-1044384
Free to good home, 8wks kittens, several to choose from. Need good home to mother cat also, 1yr old, solid blk • 825-6123385
Brown Horse $400/obo • 818-687-1044380
Free: MiniPincher, female • 818-384-3404380
HEmmE Hay & FEED Inc
Hay, Grain, Pet Supplies.
Tack You Want It...We’ll Get It
3 Locations:
Lancaster: 942-7880 Tehachapi: 822-7442 Lake La: 264-4263
HIgH cOunTRy FEED & PETS Salt, Tropical Fish & Reptile Supplies “For All Your Pet Needs” Pet GroominG 1817 E Ave Q #B8 Corner of 20th St East Palmdale 661-947-4552
Van Dam FaRmS
Wholesale Hay & Feed Horse, livestock and poultry supplies. Pet food, supplies, and vac- cines. Hay sale days Tuesdays & Saturdays Best prices for Alfalfa & 3-way Barley in Southern California TWO GREAT LOCATIONS 1609 East Ave I Lancaster (661) 946-7720
& 41943 50th Street West Quartz Hill (661) 718-2777
Large Igloo doghouse, like new, great cond $50 • 271-
381 7264
Sliding glass door insert pet entry $45. No tools needed for small dogs or cats. 12” widex80” tall • 272-9273 bet
8am-8:30pm 378
4 diff Horse blankets. All in good shape. Needs wash- ing. All for $100 or $35ea •
Goats, Pigs, Chickens, Rhode Island Chickens, Ducks, Eggs. Cheap Littlerock • 818-517-2593
376 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm
50’ round pen. 12’x12 - 4 rail panels + 1x12’ - 4 rail gate panel & 26 clamps
378 $1000 • 760-559-4777
Large tank for fish or rep- tiles. maybe 100gal, 6’ longx 16” wide x 24” tall. With stand, made of heavy
iron frame. Does not leak $235 firm • 272-9273 bet
8:30am-8:30pm 37
Folding metal cage for small dog or cat. 17” wide x 19” tall x 24”, Heavy gauge wire w/ locking door $38firm • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
8:30pm 385
Cal City dar el paso hacia un futuro mejor ! Aprender a Leer Inglés ! Mejore su lec- tura, escritura y expresión oral ! Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL ) para adultos ! La tutoría es gratuito ! Para información llame al : Rosamond Programa de Alfabetización de Adultos 661-256-6212
There are so many other planets that “we're going to find...evidence that there is life elsewhere in the universe”, Nasa administrator Major Charles Frank Bolden Jr told school children on Sky News.
Asked by 10-year-old Carmen Dearing on the channel’s Hot Seat pro- gramme, he said: "I do believe that we will someday find other forms of life or a form of life, if not in our solar system then in some of the other solar systems -
there are literally thou- sands, if not millions of other planets, many of which may be very simi- lar to our own earth. So some of us, many of us believe that we're going to find... evidence that there is life elsewhere in the universe."
Admitting that there was an Area 51 — the highly- confidential US govern- ment site that has often been rumoured to hide away secret aliens and their space ships — Bolden said that it’s “not what many think”.
“I never saw any aliens or alien spacecraft or anything when I was there.
“I think because of the secrecy of the aeronau- tics research that goes on there it’s ripe for peo- ple to talk about aliens being there.”
"I do believe that we will someday find other forms of life or a form of life, if not in our solar system then in some of the other solar systems - the billions of solar sys- tems in the universe.”
Ford Diesel hydraulic front & back, Xlnt Cond, Must See to appreciate! $7,950/obo or trade for smaller truck 661-733-4834