Page 6 - IAV Digital Magazine #407
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Stop Stealing Rocks From Gettysburg • They Might Be Cursed
Briana Altergott , Jay Strubberg
It's a pretty standard warning at national parks: Please don't touch the wildlife.
But it looks like several people who visited Gettysburg National Military Park didn't get the message. And now, they say they're cursed.
According to a blog post by one of the park's rangers, every few months, they'll get a package in the mail con- taining rocks that visitors have taken from the site.
And these packages are usually accompanied by letters begging the rangers to put the stones back in their rightful places because they believe they're cursed.
The notes claim that ever since the stones were removed from Gettysburg, terrible things have happened to
their owners, from seri- ous health problems to failed relationships and even prison time.
One letter read, in part: "We didn't know then how the removal of those stones would affect our lives and we didn't know they were cursed. ... I'm sorry that we had taken them."
The blog post's author told The
Washington Post, "I'm not a superstitious per- son, so it really wouldn't occur to me to believe in cursed rocks."
But even if these were just your average, every- day rocks, visitors shouldn't be taking them from the park anyway.
According to federal reg- ulations, visitors can be penalized for "possess- ing, destroying, injuring,
defacing, removing, dig- ging or disturbing from its natural state a miner- al resource or cave for- mation or the parts thereof."
So next time you're thinking about snagging a souvenir from a nation- al park, you might want to think again. You might get cursed — or, more likely, fined.
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Tehachapi Humane Society is holding Kitten Adoption at Palmdale PetsMart. Every 2nd & 4th Saturday of Each Month. Each Kitten will be ready to take home.
Jolene’s Horse Rescue. Seeking sponsorship & vol- unteers are welcome, dona- tions: vehicle, tractors, & old farm equip. to help horse get on it's hooves. A non-profit organization. 285-5176
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