Page 9 - IAV Edition #385
P. 9
The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
cocK a HooP
This phrase comes from a primitive tap called a spile and shive. A shive was a wooden tube at the bottom of a barrel and a spile was a wood- en bung. You removed the shive to let liquid flow out and replaced it to stop the flow. The spile was sometimes called a cock. If people were extremely happy and wanted to celebrate they took out the cock and put in on the hoop on the top of the barrel to let the drink flow out freely. So it was cock a hoop. So cock a hoop came to mean ecstatic.
BoBBIes, PeeLers
Both these nicknames for poßlicemen come from Sir Robert Peel who founded the first modern police force in 1829.
duTcH courage
In the 17th century England and Holland were rivals. They fought wars in 1652-54, 1665- 67 and 1672-74. It was said (very unfairly) that the Dutch had to drink alcohol to build up their courage. Other insulting phrases are Dutch treat (meaning you pay for yourself) and Double Dutch meaning gibber- ish.
FLy In THe oInTmenT
This old saying comes from the Bible. In Ecclesiastes 10:1 the writer says that dead flies give perfume a bad smell (in old versions of the Bible the word for perfume is translated 'ointment').
From THe Horses's mouTH You can tell a horse’s age by examining its teeth. A horse dealer may lie to you but you can always find out the truth 'from the horse’s mouth'.
HoBsons cHoIce
This means to have no choice at all. In the 16th century and the early 17th century if you went on a journey you could hire a horse to take you from one town to another and travel using a relay of horses. (That was bet- ter than wearing out your own horse on a long journey over very poor roads). In the early 1600s Thomas Hobson was a man in Cambridge who hired out horses. However he would not let customers choose which horse they wanted to ride. Instead they had to ride whichever horse was nearest the stable entrance. So if you hired a horse from him you were given 'Hobson's choice'.
a LITTLe BIrd ToLd me This old saying comes from the Bible. In Ecclesiastes 10:20 the writer warns us not to
curse the king or the rich even in private or a 'bird of the air' may report what you say.
This is a corruption of eke name. The old word eke meant alternative.
on TenTerHooKs
After it was woven wool was pounded in a mix- ture of clay and water to clean and thicken it. This was called fulling. Afterwards the wool was stretched on a frame called a tenter to dry. It was hung on tenter- hooks. So if you were very tense, like stretched cloth, you were on ten- terhooks.
a PIg In a PoKe
This is something bought without checking it first. A poke was a bag. If you bought a pig in a poke it might turn out the 'pig' was actually a puppy or a cat
WarTs and aLL
When Oliver Cromwell 1599-1658 had his por- trait painted he ordered the artist not to flatter him. He insisted on being painted 'warts and all'.
Bob’s Military Store • 661-824-3333
2100 Mono Street • Mojave, CA 93501 Behind Denny’s • Fax: 661-824-8889
Hutch 1920’s-30’s
3shelves, 5Drawers, 2Glass doors, no Scratches,
Xlnt condition Reduced! $300/obo 661-948-8924
Oversized sofa sectional • 544-2698389
Queen air mattress $10 • 256-4904389
Full Mattress, memory form, xlnt cond $120 • 213-276- 5968388
Dining room set • 974-3380388
Coffee table w/ smoky glass, oak $60 aft 10am • 794-8522387
Rocking chair $30 • 794- 8522387
Entertainment ctr, holds 37” tv $50 • 794-8522387
mahogany, claw feet, good cond • 722-6785387
Formal entertainment ctr, glass door, dark wood, lights, glass shelves $200 • 722-6785387
Queen bed w/ dresser & night stands $125 • 945- 9613387
Queen bed $100 • 945- 9613387
Full Postrupedic mattress, xlnt cond $90 • 579-0369- Call bet 1pm-7pm387
Dining table w/ 4 chairs, good cond $100 • 579-0369 - Call bet 1pm-7pm387
rors, 18”x60”, good antique frame • 274-4144387
Dresser w/ mirror • 350-
2896 386
Queen mattress • 350- 2896386
2) Living room sets • 350-
2896 386
Nice & large Birch coffee table, 2 doors, like new $49
• 946-2783 385
Antique rocking chair,
2 Large very beautiful mir-
Metal frame bar stool. Solid