Page 6 - IAV Digital Edition #380
P. 6
The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
We Bailed You Out, And Now You Want What!?!
By Steven Pearlstein
Americans were angry when Wall Street’s greedy and risky behav- ior triggered a global financial crisis in 2008. They were angrier still when the government had to borrow and spend hundreds of billions of
according to legal observers, they just might prevail.
“Lawsuits of the Rich and Shameless” is how the comedian Jon Stewart dubbed it.
“An absurdist comedy . . . worthy of the Marx
violation of the Constitution. One case was brought by Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, the legendary former chief executive of AIG who built it into the world’s largest insurer. Filing the other case is a group of hedge funds that bought Fannie and Freddie
Horse, 5yrs old $200 • 818- 687-1044384
Free to good home, 8wks kittens, several to choose from. Need good home to mother cat also, 1yr old, solid blk • 825-6123382
Brown Horse $400/obo • 818-687-1044380
Free: MiniPincher, female • 818-384-3404380
Goats, Pigs, Chickens, Rhode Island Chickens, Ducks, Eggs. Cheap Littlerock • 818-517-2593abel
DACHSHUND RESCUE & PLACEMENT 661-943-4888 doxykeeper@msn.com237
HEmmE Hay & FEED Inc
Hay, Grain, Pet Supplies.
Tack You Want It...We’ll Get It
3 Locations:
Lancaster: 942-7880 Tehachapi: 822-7442 Lake La: 264-4263
HIgH cOunTRy FEED & PETS Salt, Tropical Fish & Reptile Supplies “For All Your Pet Needs” Pet GroominG 1817 E Ave Q #B8 Corner of 20th St East Palmdale 661-947-4552
Van Dam FaRmS
Wholesale Hay & Feed Horse, livestock and poultry supplies. Pet food, supplies, and vac- cines. Hay sale days Tuesdays & Saturdays Best prices for Alfalfa & 3-way
Barley in Southern California TWO GREAT LOCATIONS 1609 East Ave I Lancaster (661) 946-7720 & 41943 50th Street West Quartz Hill (661) 718-2777
Large Igloo doghouse, like new, great cond $50 • 271- 7264381
Sliding glass door insert pet
entry $45. No tools needed for small dogs or cats. 12” widex80” tall • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm378
4 diff Horse blankets. All in good shape. Needs wash- ing. All for $100 or $35ea • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm376
50’ round pen. 12’x12 - 4 rail panels + 1x12’ - 4 rail gate panel & 26 clamps
With stand, made of heavy iron frame. Does not leak $235 firm • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm37
Folding metal cage for small dog or cat. 17” wide x 19” tall x 24”, Heavy gauge wire w/ locking door $38firm •
$1000 • 760-559-4777
Large tank for fish or rep- tiles. maybe 100gal, 6’ longx 16” wide x 24” tall.
dollars to rescue mort- gage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the largest banks and the insurance company AIG. They were outraged when they found out that executives at those enterprises were contin- uing to receive big salaries and bonuses.
So just imagine how it outrageous it would be if some Wall Street sharpies went to court to argue that they didn’t benefit enough from the bailouts and that taxpay- ers should pay them tens of billions of dollars more.
In fact, they did. And,
Brothers or Mel Brooks,” wrote John Cassidy, the New Yorker’s economics correspondent.
For taxpayers, it looks to be another example of the old adage that no good deed goes unpun- ished.
In two separate cases, the government now stands accused of over- stepping its authority when it took extraordi- nary measures to pre- vent a financial melt- down in the fall of 2008. The Wall Street figures who are suing say their property was seized without compensation, in
stock for pennies per share after the compa- nies were put in govern- ment conservatorship.
Federal district court judges in Washington and New York initially dismissed both chal- lenges. Their opinions noted, somewhat point- edly, that the Wall Street plaintiffs were not only unharmed but actually came out better off as a result of the government rescues. Yet both groups have now found a more sympathetic hearing a stone’s throw from the front gate of the White House, at a little-known brick courthouse called the U.S. Court of Claims.
Ford Diesel hydraulic front & back, Xlnt Cond, Must See to appreciate! $7,950/obo or trade for smaller truck 661-733-4834