Page 7 - IAV Digital Edition #380
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The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
Woman, 36, Marries 74 year Old Father of Ex-husband
A 36-year-old wife who walked out on her hus- band after just eight months is now marrying his 74-year-old father. Liza Goddard, of Grimsby, divorced Jason Harwood, 35, in 2003, after a short-lived mar- riage which broke down in less than one year.
But she is now set to become her ex-hus- band's stepmother after becoming engaged to Jason's father John, who is nearly 40 years her senior.
Jason had become sus- picious of his father and his wife after the trio lived together in the pen- sioner's bedsit in Slough, Berkshire.
But Jason only found out about the secret affair after he visited his father to congratulate him on the news of his engage- ment. His father then revealed that his fiancée was his son's ex-wife.
Unemployed Jason told how, ten minutes later, Ms Goddard waltzed into his father's home in Grimbsy and said: 'You'd better get used to the idea of me being your stepmum.'
He told The Sun: 'She is going from my ex-wife to my stepmum. What they are doing is wrong.' Jason had married Ms Goddard in 2000, after the pair met at a youth club.
But, straight away, the couple moved into Jason's father's bedsit in an attempt to save money. They even spent their wedding night with John in a sleeping bag next to their bed.
Jason suspected that his father and Ms Goddard were 'at it' at that time.
He told how, on one occasion, he went to buy his wife a McDonald's milkshake but returned to the property to check which flavour she want- ed. He claims that he then saw Liza in bed with no knickers on while his father was sat in a near- by chair with his flies undone.
When the trio moved to another property in Grimsby shortly after- wards, he got fed up and kicked his father out.
Liza left soon afterwards, before they finally got divorced in 2003. Following the engage- ment, John updated his Facebook status to read: 'Engaged to Liza Goddard.'
Meanwhile, Jason's mother Sharon, 54, who had three children with her ex-husband, said she was 'absolutely dis- gusted'. Neither him or Ms Goddard were immedi- ately available for com- ment.
00 Outlaw chopper
Canary Yellow w/ Purple Flames. Low Miles. 2000 Special construction Outlaw Chopper. Bike val- ued at $6500.
Priced to Sell $3,900 Includes 2 helmets, gargle & battery tender 661-839-2732 Serious Buyers only Call Rob Anytime
272-9273 bet 8:30am-
8:30pm 364
Cal City dar el paso hacia un futuro mejor ! Aprender a Leer Inglés ! Mejore su lec- tura, escritura y expresión oral ! Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL ) para adultos ! La tutoría es gratuito ! Para información llame al : Rosamond Programa de Alfabetización de Adultos 661-256-6212
antelope Valley Pregnancy counseling center & Women’s clinic • Free Pregnancy Tests • Pre-natal Counseling • Medi-Cal Referrals
• Limited Early Term Ultrasound We are open for Walk-ins Mon-Thurs 9am-2pm 1334 E. Palmdale Blvd, Ste E 661-947-0400
12pm-1pm Family Chapel Sacred Heart Church 565 West Kettering Lancaster
Fridays: 12 noon-1pm Saint Mary Church 1600 E. Avenue R-4 Palmdale
1st Saturdays of Month 7:45am-9am Adoration Room
Fr. Serra Church 42121 N. 60th st West Quartz Hill
Stop Pearblossom pollu- tion!. Report illegal tires &
California. We adopt our dogs out at Petsmart in West Palmdale (next to Trader Joes) every Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 5pm. You can also view all our adoptable dogs on We are in need of money to help support our SPAY and NEUTER PROGRAM. If you would like to help us, please send your tax deductable donation to HALFWAY TO HOME, PO BOX 512, Rosamond, CA Pls call Suzanne at (661)824-4495.
Solid Apostolic Ministry of Mojave. 15721 K street
SuiteC. Services are Tues: 6:30pm & Sun: 10am • 209- 7607
Veterans of America. Needs donations. • 944-0383203
Tehachapi Humane Society is holding Kitten Adoption at Palmdale PetsMart. Every 2nd & 4th Saturday of Each Month. Each Kitten will be ready to take home.
Jolene’s Horse Rescue. Seeking sponsorship & vol- unteers are welcome, dona- tions: vehicle, tractors, & old farm equip. to help horse get on it's hooves. A non-profit organization. 285-5176
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Halfway To Home is a Non- Profit 501(c)3 Animal Rescue located in Mojave,

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