Page 6 - iAV Digital Magazine #402
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The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
Beautiful Country ranch home Call Victoria at 661-965-0832	•	$549,950
Totally upgraded ranch in downtown Acton! Original owner has lovingly remodeled and upgrad- ed this classic Acton home. New stucco coat & paint, new trim paint, new flooring (wood lami- nate) & carpeting, new windows, new interior paint, new kitchen including cabinets, granite, oven & stove top,new plumbing in bathrooms. There is a charming used brick fireplace (wood burning) w/ mantle in the corner of the family room. Owner has redone the exterior patio roof off the family room w/ a very expensive sliding patio door. This owner has gone first class with everything! PLUS it has public water, natural gas, and paved streets to access the home. Freeway close and walking distance to downtown. The owner set up sprinklers for the front landscaping but in this drought has not planted any grass. He may put in rock and he is putting in RR ties to boarder the front area. He has installed a new brick planter area in front as well. There is a tile roof that will last a lifetime. In addition there is 1.14 acres for all your toys and gardening or even horses!
Wild mallard duck w/ a month old duckling to good
home • 943-6071 406
Free: (2)10yrs old outdoor &
indoor cats • 943-6071
Lancaster (661) 946-7720 & 41943 50th Street West Quartz Hill (661) 718-2777
Doghouse, missing bottom,
XXL size $15 • 823-5723
Plastic doghouse, extra large, xlnt cond $40 • 823-
Fresh water 20gal aquarium w/ stand, storage compart- ment & lots of extras $150 • 943-6071401
Parrot cage. 36” Black wor- ought iron, hang or stand • 944-4542400
Wire crate for dog, 2.5’x3.5’
$40 • 522-1832 400
2)Horse saddle pads, good cond $40each • 272-9273
390 bet 8am-8:30pm
Sliding glass door insert pet entry $45. No tools needed for small dogs or cats. 12” widex80” tall • 272-9273 bet
Folding metal cage for small dog or cat. 17” wide x 19” tall x 24”, Heavy gauge wire w/ locking door $38firm • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
Rosamond Programa de Alfabetización de Adultos 661-256-6212
Antelope Valley pregnancy Counseling Center & Women’s Clinic • Free Pregnancy Tests • Pre-natal Counseling • Medi-Cal Referrals • Limited Early Term Ultrasound We are open for Walk-ins Mon-Thurs 9am-2pm 1334 E. Palmdale Blvd, Ste E 661-947-0400
Beautiful kitten • 800-1900
Beautiful Palomino Tennesee walker horse mare, registered, 15.1 hands $2500 • 724-0572
Duck eggs, farm fresh. Great for baking $4/dz • 760-769-1149403
Goats, Pigs, Chickens, Rhode Island Chickens, Ducks, Eggs. Cheap Littlerock • 818-517-2593abel
heMMe hAy & FeeD inC
Hay, Grain, Pet Supplies.
Tack You Want It...We’ll Get It
3 Locations:
lancaster: 942-7880 Tehachapi: 822-7442 lake lA: 264-4263
hiGh CounTry FeeD & peTS Salt, Tropical Fish & Reptile Supplies “For All Your Pet Needs” Pet GroominG 1817 E Ave Q #B8 Corner of 20th St East Palmdale 661-947-4552
Wholesale Hay & Feed Horse, livestock and poultry supplies. Pet food, supplies, and vac- cines. Hay sale days Tuesdays & Saturdays Best prices for Alfalfa & 3-way Barley in Southern California TWO GREAT LOCATIONS 1609 East Ave I
pro-liFe roSAry
12pm-1pm Family Chapel Sacred Heart Church 565 West Kettering Lancaster
Fridays: 12 noon-1pm Saint Mary Church 1600 E. Avenue R-4 Palmdale
1st Saturdays of Month 7:45am-9am Adoration Room Fr. Serra Church 42121 N. 60th st West Quartz Hill
Stop Pearblossom pollu- tion!. Report illegal tires &
trash dumping • 723-4440
Personal Prayer Line. Confidential. One on One. No Charge! 942-0808
Preserve our Desert Beauty.
STop illegal Dumping!
Report to: 1-888-Clean LA 1-888-253-2652
Halfway To Home is a Non- Profit 501(c)3 Animal Rescue located in Mojave, California. We adopt our dogs out at Petsmart in West Palmdale (next to Trader Joes) every Saturday and Sunday from 1pm to 5pm. You can also view all our adoptable dogs on We are in need of money to help support our SPAY and NEUTER PROGRAM. If you would like to help us, please send your tax deductable donation to HALFWAY TO HOME, PO
BlooD DriVe: Saturday, May 21, 2016. 9am-3pm. Bloodmobile bus on-site. Open to the public. GeT Free Baskin Robbins Ice Cream.
American Legion - 38030 6th Street East • Palmdale. Walk-ins welcome; Pre-sign ups preferred. Select a time & RSVP by calling 661-547- 0446 or email at:
Cal City dar el paso hacia un futuro mejor ! Aprender a Leer Inglés ! Mejore su lec- tura, escritura y expresión oral ! Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL ) para adultos ! La tutoría es gratuito ! Para información llame al :
Bar Owners In NY Told They Cannot Deny Service To Pregnant Women
David Usborne New York
If a pregnant woman wants to belly (or bump) up and enjoy a drink that is her decision to make and no bar owner should take it upon themselves to try stop her, a new advisory issued by New York City is making clear.
The admonition to bar tenders, bouncers and club managers in all five boroughs to not even think about turning with- child customers away was contained in a wider set of guidelines that mostly deal with protec- tions and rights for preg- nant women in the work- place.
At the moment, bars in New York are required nonetheless to display signs that warn of the risks	of harm to a fetus from alcohol consump- tion. But armed with that information pregnant women should be left alone to make up their own minds whether to drink, the guidelines insist.
“Judgments and stereo- types about how preg- nant individuals should behave, their physical capabilities and what is or is not healthy for a fetus are pervasive in our society and cannot be used as pretext for unlawful discriminatory decisions“ in public ven- ues, they say.
While being denied entry to bars may not be the first concern of most pregnant women, city officials confirmed they had at least once case pending of a woman who has formally com- plained precisely of such an incident, although they declined to give details.
It is an issue that appar-
ently reverberates, how- ever. Two years ago pranksters in New York announced plans to open what they said would be the first bar for pregnant women. They even erected signage above the space in the East Village of Manhattan announcing the venue as Gestations. While it attracted widespread local press coverage, the spot never actually opened.
The faux bar was brazen in its promotional lan- guage, declaring: “All you mothers-to-be should come check out our trimester specials and our 9-month happy hour because now you’re drinking for
two!” A similar tone was adopted on its Facebook page. “The bigger the belly, the more you can drink. True for men and pregnant women #gesta- tionsny,” it declared.
The new guidelines also serve as a reminder to all but the smallest of businesses in the city that they are obliged to offer the necessary con- siderations to pregnant employees to ensure their health and the health of the fetus is pro-
“Far too often, pregnant employees are denied basic accommodations in the workplace, unnec- essarily putting their pregnancy and health at risk,“ Human Rights Commissioner and Chair Carmelyn Malalis said in a statement.
Business groups in New York have been vocifer- ous opposing the new guidelines which they say could be used by workers to file frivolous lawsuits against their employers.
There are so-called fetal harm laws on the books in 39 US states, which are concerned primarily with punishing third par- ties who may physically imperil a pregnant woman. That might include a drunk driver crashing into a pregnant women and causing a miscarriage.
However, a small num- ber of states have seen cases brought against women whose behaviour is deemed to have endangered the child she is carrying, notably if she is abusing drugs.

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