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Woman Falls Over At Home And Regains Sight After 20yrs of Blindness
By Katie Forster A woman who was been blind for more than 20 years has regained her sight – after falling over and hitting her head at her home in Florida.
Mary Ann Franco, 70, gradually became blind after injuring her spine in a car accident in 1993.
Then, more than two decades later, another accident and a subse- quent operation appears to have led to the recov- ery of her sight, although doctors are still trying to work out how exactly this could have happened.
I was fully blind – all I could see was black- ness,” she told The Independent.
“I was in my living room, going over to the door. My foot caught on a tile, and it flipped me. I hit my head in the back, and hit it on something else, maybe the fireplace,” she said.
After the fall, which took place in August 2015, Ms Franco was incapacitat- ed and had to wear a
neck brace until an oper- ation a few weeks ago.
She was in hospital recovering from four hours of sur- gery on her neck when she came round from the anesthet- ic and realised her sight had returned.
However, in her confused state, she didn’t realise what had happened straight away.
“I looked towards the foot of my bed and said, ‘Hey, lady in purple, get me something for pain'. I was in so much pain, I wasn’t nice – and I’m always nice,” she said.
“My niece said: ‘what did you say?’ and I realised I could see. They gave me more medication, and the next morning I could see all the trees, and
white houses below from my small window on my side in hospital.
“I was the happiest woman in the whole world. It was wonder- ful. Everyone came in and said: ‘You’re the mir- acle lady’.”
Neurosurgeon Dr John Afshar, who performed the operation, told ABC News that he had not expected Ms Franco's vision to be affected.
“The restoration of Mary Ann Franco's vision is a true miracle,” he said. “I really don't have a scien- tific explanation for it.“
He said that one theory for the exceptional story was that the accident could have
affected an artery and restricted blood flow to the part of the brain which controls vision.
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