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This Man Sued His Former Company Because His Work Was "Too Boring"
By Rick Noack
The French government recently faced huge protests against unpopu- lar changes to the coun- try's labor law.
Most of its critics would argue that French work- ers increasingly face burnout and exhaustion. But one employee has had far different prob- lems: He sued his for- mer company because his job was allegedly extremely boring.
The plaintiff, 44-year-old Parisian Frédéric Desnard, is demanding more than $400,000 from his former employ- er, a perfume enterprise, as compensation for the boredom it allegedly caused. According to the Frenchman, the compa- ny should be held responsible for
mental and other health damages as well as the financial consequences of him missing out on a
Desnard claims that he was removed from his previous high-profile position in the company, which included managing certain contracts and travel expenses. For the next four years, he was asked to carry out much duller tasks.
Speaking to French newspaper Le Monde, Desnard said his company wanted to bore him "to death" in order to convince him to quit vol- untarily and therefore limit severance pay- ments. But amid a slug- gish French
economy, Desnard sim- ply decided to stay and do nothing. In the follow-
ing four years, he report- edly earned more than $90,000 per year -- but the money did not fulfill him, he said.
"I was ashamed to be paid to do nothing," Desnard was quoted as saying by AFP. In an interview, he described the time as "hell" and "a nightmare," which caused multiple health issues, including "epilep- sy, ulcers, sleep prob- lems and serious depres- sion."
The Frenchman was fired two years ago after a car crash forced him to go on sick leave for more than half a year. After having paid him a salary of about $360,000 over four years, his employer stated that his prolonged absence was interrupting work processes and ended their relationship.
A verdict is expected July 27.
VHS movies, 2packages $30 • 947-4343401
Slide projector, screen & reels from 1960-70’s $88. Brand name is Grand Prix, Sold as set only. Works & looks great • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm385
Kodak Polycontrast filters for adding color shades to photos $23 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm334
Looking for barbers, pls call 661-208-0163 for detailspd
Looking for gardener, must have drivers license & insurance • 435-6327403
2 stroke mechanic needed. 1-2days/month. For chain saws, weed wackers, lawn- mowers. Own tools pref- fered. Pay based on experi- ence. Starting wage $12/hr. Must have reliable refer- nces & transportation. Text Mr Harvey bet 8am-6pm •
able references. Part time, flexible hrs, 3-4days/ month. Must know trailer wiring. Pay based on experience. Starting $12-$13/hr. Text Mr Harvey bet 8am-6pm • 272-9273403
Looking for handyman for plumbing work & others • 972-0602402
Looking for help for garden- ing. Possible trade for free rent • 947-9338402
Now Hiring: Clerical/Receptionist need- ed to run front office. Fax resume to: 661-537-6075 or email at:
Now Hiring: LCSW's, MFT's and Certified Alcohol and Drug Instructors needed to teach in Alcohol and Drug Studies Program for the weekend program in Palmdale, CA and Los Angeles, Ca locations. Fax resume to: 661-537-6075 or email at:
Rosamond: Looking for handyman. $10/hr • 972- 0602401
Gardening help needed in exchange for a room. Must have experience in growing fruits & vegetables • 947- 9338401
Looking for caregiver posi- tion. Worked for in-home support services, 15yr experience, reliable, honest, has car w/ insurance. Part time or full • 206-5815404
Looking for security officer position. 13yrs experience, w/ car & insurance, CPR/First Aid, Full or part time. Evenings & grave yards only • 206-5815404
Big box custom jewelry $10 • 233-3389405
20 new women’s purses, xlnt cond, make offer • 943- 6071403
Women clothing, medium size & other household items. Make offer • 943- 6071399
Vintage old antique jewelry, mint cond. Find it all in Bob Navy & Army store in Mojave • 824-3333250
For reseller or swap meeters: Close out sale. Below wholesale. Pantyhose, saleable colors. • 944-7171
Lancaster: Laborers needed to load & unload junk & scrap. Must be 18& over. $10/hr cash. Clean drivers license a big plus but not necessary. Text Mr Harvey bet 8am-6pm • 272-9273403
Auto mechanic needed. Own tools preffered. All phases of repair. Have reli-
Dating Website To Match Canadians With Americans Escaping Trump Presidency
The Canadian Press
A new dating website is offering to pair Americans with Canadian singles to save them from a Donald Trump presidency. promis- es love and a U.S. escape plan if Trump becomes commander-in- chief.
CEO Joe Goldman says 4,150 people have signed up for the site -- 70 per cent of them Canadian.
The Texas-based Goldman says he hatched the idea while watching Trump's "Super Tuesday" victories in March.
During the primaries, American Google searches for "move to Canada" hit record num- bers.
Previously, Destination Cape Breton has pitched the Nova Scotian island as a Trump-free para- dise.

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