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BYU Celebrates Inaugural "Milktoberfest"
By Braley Dodson Daily Herald
A promotional video con- firms that, yes, “it’s a thing.”
Brigham Young University celebrated its inaugural Milktoberfest, the “holiday for doing homework and drinking milk,” Thursday in the Harold B. Lee Library, just in time for midterms.
“We are inviting campus to get behind it,” said Roger Layton, public relations manager for the library.
The celebration is a fit- ting Oktoberfest twist for the university, which has been named the top “Stone-Cold Sober” uni- versity in the nation for the 19th consecutive year, every year since The Princeton Review created that category.
Consuming alcohol is against the honor code for the university, which is owned and operated
by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and is also against the church’s teachings.
BYU students are big milk fans. For the 2015 to 2016 school year, they purchased 70,572 gal- lons of milk from the BYU Creamery, and enough chocolate milk alone to fill two Olympic-
sized swimming pools. The BYU Creamery sells two types of flavored milk--chocolate and cookies and cream.
Every winter, the library hosts a Love Your Library event, and thought about adding a fall semester event this year.
Free chocolate milk was
given out in the morning, and again in the after- noon with cookies. Milktoberfest shirts were made and each depart- ment in the library picked an activity to host.
The event included a performance by the International Folk Dance Ensemble, a party game and mini golf. At least 400 bottles of free chocolate milk from the BYU Creamery were given out while supplies lasted.
Other ideas for activities were tossed around, but discarded because the
third floor of the library, the designated snack zone, is carpeted.
“We looked into doing a milk chugging contest, and we didn’t want to face the cleanup,” Layton said.
All the bottled chocolate milk on campus this month will have Milktoberfest labels.
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