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The Autonomous Smart Home Will Know When You Pee
By Alfred Ng
The smart home could soon be running on its own.
Legrand sees a future where your smart home learns based on your habits and behaviors -- even knowing when to turn on the lights for your 3 a.m. bathroom run.
The French-based elec- trical equipment compa- ny hopes to make smart homes autonomous, where shades open and the coffee maker gets started before you wake up. Like iOS's automat- ed traffic helper, that uses your frequent loca- tions and tells you how long your commute will be, Legrand wants to use the same data, but apply it to your alarms.
Like if traffic meant an extra 20 minutes on your ride to work, Legrand's Eliot program wants to be able to con- nect that information from your phone to your connected clock, and set your alarm back 20 minutes so you'd wake up in time, all while you're asleep.
Eliot's goal is to connect IoT devices across all platforms into a single, smooth experience. To do that, it's teamed up with Samsung, Amazon and Cisco. Instead of pushing out its own products, Legrand hopes to build off the millions of smart devices that are already in peo-
Cisco in the past on the busi-
ness network-equip
ment company's "Digital Ceiling Framework," which wired up Legrand's office lights, thermostat and shades into one automatic sys- tem.
Based on a person's profile, lights and tem- peratures would auto- matically adjust depend- ing on who was in the room. Legrand hopes to bring that element to the home, while upping the ante with voice control through Amazon Alexa.
Eliot also uses Samsung's ARTIK Cloud to get all the connected devices in the room to work with each other through an all-in-one control system. Legrand's lights will be
able to be controlled through third-party serv- ices also like IFTTT.
By learning from habits and timing and data in IoT devices, Legrand is betting on Eliot being able to make your daily life autonomous, from the moment you wake up, get to work and head back home.
With Eliot comes pres- ence sensing technolo- gy, meaning your con- nected devices would be able to tell when you -- or your dog -- are in the room, as well as how fast you're moving and where you're head- ed. It's how your smart home would be able to light up a pathway dur-
ing any midnight snack runs.
Selldorff said he hoped Eliot would be the open- ing to making smart homes and offices main- stream. Right now, the CEO said, interior designers and architects aren't really aware of the potential out there for an autonomous building, and could be turned off by the costs and poten- tially confusing setup.
With Eliot, he hopes the add-ons to existing IoT devices will help cut through that confusion.
"It's evolutionary and it's appropriate," Selldorff said. "Things we've envisioned since watch- ing 'The Jetsons,' it's now a reality for what we can do."
"You'll hear people talk- ing about lighting, or they'll talk about the home theater," Legrand's North and Central America CEO John Selldorff said. "But we're the only ones talk- ing about relationships between all those. You're not just walking in a room to turn the lights on. You're going in to turn the TV on, to talk with people, to enter- tain."
Eliot's name comes from a combination of Legrand's main product, electricity and the IoT.
A majority of Legrand's market is building infra- structure for offices, by providing lighting and networking for business- es. It had partnered with
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1960's Model Cherry Wood, In Mint Condition $2500/obo (661) 265-0261
8:30pm only352
Vintage Chinese figurines, multi-color, 6” • 626-321-
418 6345
Penthouse cards $30-$40ea
414 • 233-3389
1966-87 Playboy magazine collection, good cond • 818-
Wilt Chamberlain rookie card. Make offer • 256-
411 3352
2 Elvis Presley decanters, musical. Make offer • 256-
411 3352
Walt Disney pitcher collec- tion. Items in frame glass,
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2 Military maps of Louisiana & Missisippi from 1939-44 • 466-7918406
Movie star nude cards $30 • 947-4343405
Box of baseball, hockey, basketball & football cards, 3000pcs $40 for the whole box • 947-4343401
Over 2000 Baseball cards $50; Trading cards w/ hold- ers $25 • 947-4343394
Betty Boops handbags, almost new $15 • 947-4343403
1954 Elvis Pressley Illustration record book $30 • 947-4343403
Avon from 1960-80’s. 50 items in perfect cond. All for $50 • 943-6071403
NSync “Joey” on tour figure/ Marionette $23, in box. Never removed • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm only373
3)1942 Army canteens w/ belts $50 for all • 943-6071
8am-8:30pm only352
1970’s Miller beer high life plastic sign for bar. 18.5” high x 13.75”widex 1.5”thick. Great for man- cave, bar or office. Brown background w/ white letter- ing $28 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only352
Upright piano full size, solid wood. Older, works good $250 • 272-9273 bet 8:00am-8:30pm only
Yamaha piano, polished fin- ish, black, almost new, make offer • 944-7171
Kawai organ, great cond, sounds great, make offer •
Antique wooden chair. Real old, solid wood chair. Mid 1940’s- Mid 50’s. Maybe old school house chair. Ready to be refurbished • 272- 9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm
Costco stair/step stool, xlnt cond 40-50yrs old. 13 1/2” wide x 11” deep x 35” tall $47 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
Antique Mantel Clock collec- tion. Late 1800's to 1930's & 60's. 6 clocks total, All $2200 • 265-0261
Antique 1960’s tricycle for restoration project. Complete. Restore it or used as yard decoration $45 • 272-9273 bet 8am-
1960’s vintage Coca Cola sign $65. • 272-9273 bet
8am-8:30pm only
Planter Peanut round tin can 1994. Great collector piece $15 • 272-9273 bet