Page 15 - IAV Digital Magazine #414
P. 15

The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
Filipino & Asian Market Fresh Seafoods, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Cooked Foods To Go Order your fish. We’ll clean & fry it 44164 10th West Lancaster 661-945-4245
SIERRA LIQUOR & jR MARkET Check Cashing, Money Order, Liquor & Beer, Fine Wine, Cigarettes, Lotto Low Prices 42145 Sierra Hwy Lancaster 661-948-3778
Beer • Wine • Liquor • Money Order • ATM • Groceries, We accept Credit Cards & Food Stamps 15600 Sierra hwy Mojave 661-824-2721
CHAVEz PARTY SUPPLIES Everything you need for all your parties & Special Occassions at Discount Prices. Renta de jumpers, Sillas y mesas, Helium. Globos para toda ocasion Se Habla Espanol 838 E. Ave Q6 Palmdale 661-274-0557 Cell: 213-948-3002
99¢ MECHANdISE UHAUL RENTAL 2641 Diamond St Rosamond STORE: 661-256-1074 UHAUL: 661-256-2847
AV dISCOUNT STORE & GENERAL MECHANdISE. 99¢ & MORE 44262 10th Street West Bet. Ave. K & Ave. J Lancaster 661-723-4976
EL NOVILLO CARNICERIA MARkET Fine Meats & Produce Cambiamos cheques de tra- bajo. Aceptamos Food Stamps 8714 East Ave T Litllerock 944-9639 944-9079 - Fax
TOWN & COUNTRY MARkET Gas • Service deli • Snacks 13012 Pearblossom Hwy 944-4136 • 944-4137
Since 1947
The Finest in Fresh Fruits & Vegetables open 7 days 8202 Pearblossom Hwy. Littlerock (661)944-1364
Fresh Produce, Fresh Meat Wholesale & Retail Wholesale delivery Service 710 West Ave. L Lancaster
PICCAdILLY CIRCLE 7 MINI MART Groceries, snacks & coffee, beer & wine, Lotto & others 42124 N. 50th St., W Quartz Hill (661) 722-9211
Lotto • Beer • Liquor • Snacks • Groceries 43535 Gadsden Ave. • Lancaster (661)949-0107
Rolling walker, new • 943-
6071 Wheelchair in xlnt cond $60
Toblerone Triangle Change Upsets Fans
A decision to space out the distinctive triangular chocolate chunks in two Toblerone bars sold in the UK has upset fans who say that they do mind the gap.
The product's makers, US-based Mondelez International, said it had changed the design to reduce the weight of what were 400g and 170g bars.
Some consumers have described the move as "the wrong decision" and said the bigger spaces looked "stupid".
Mondelez said the move was down to a rise in the cost of ingredients.
In a statement on the Toblerone Facebook page, the company said it had to make a deci- sion between changing the look of the bars or raising the price.
The move has resulted
in the weight of the 400g bars being reduced to 360g and the 170g bars to 150g, while the size of the packaging has remained the same.
It said: "We chose to change the shape to keep the product afford- able for our customers."
But consumers took to Toblerone's Facebook page to question why the company had decid-
ed to make the gaps between the triangles bigger, rather than reducing the length of the bars.
Lee Yarker said: "Fair enough reducing the weight of the bar, but why the big gap in between segments? Looks stupid imo [in my opinion], could have just made the bar shorter and kept the original design."
413 • 943-6071
New bedside portable toilet for handicap/ disabled $50 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm364
Toilet lift ring/doughnut. Adjustable, ready now $22 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm363
Rolling walkers for disabled or elderly. Folds up. No brakes or seat. $25, great cond • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm only
Pair of used crutches. Good cond. Adjustable 5’10”-6’6” height $16 • 272-9273 bet
8:30am-8:30pm only
Drum for Buddhism. Bought for $135; Sell $135 • 350- 3833418
Metallic shed, disassem- bled, 40’x60’x16’ $6500 or trade • 943-0604418
Retail Army/Navy inventory for sale! Showcases, fix- tures, everything • 824- 3333413
Work bench, all wood. Size 4ft L & 21” W $40 • 723- 0362413
Swamp Cooler, 2spd $125 • 522-1832413
Estate sale: Households items, furnitures, bedroom, kitchen, antiques & etc • 943-6071408
Firewood, logs & kettling $350 takes all • 943-6071407
Extra large swamp cooler, new cond, 3spd, 4 casters, great for garage $250 • 943- 6071407
Photo scrapping supplies.

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