Page 15 - IAV Digital Magazine #406
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The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
Woman Mistakes Cancer For Hangover
FOX NEWS - After a night out with friends, a British woman began suf- fering from a headache she attributed to a hang- over. Over a week later, she went to the doctor and was eventually diag- nosed with cancer.
Hope Stringer, 24, of Essex, had chronic pain in her left temple, tired- ness and blurred vision. Her doctor initially told her she was suffering from migraines and pre- scribed her painkillers on
three separate occa- sions, reported. Stringer demanded an MRI scan, which is when doctors found the soft tissue sar- coma in the base of her skull.
“I’d been completely healthy up until that point and couldn’t believe that what I originally thought was a hangover could be something so serious,” Stringer told
Sarcoma is cancer that develops from certain tis- sues, like bone or mus- cle, and can also devel- op from soft tissue like fat, muscle and nerves.
The tumor in her neck had to be removed, and Stringer underwent six rounds of chemotherapy and radiation. Then, a second tumor was found, forcing doctors to remove a nerve, affecting her left vocal cord to extract the tumor.
moBIle home  FoR SAle! Double wide. 24x65, Aluminum sidings, 2+2, den. New ref range dish- washer, 2 cooler w/ Aircon in the kitchen. Includes all furnitures, Fixtures, TV, appliances & others MUST SEE! 661-256-0868 serious inquiry !!!
short pay, foreclosures. call us today.	Betty at 661-944-7171
For Sale: Commercial zoned. 2.5acres w/ mobile home & 3000sqft metal bldg in No. Edwards $100,000 • 824-3333336
SecURe mINI SToRAGe. $1 moves you in. Selected sizes. Call for details 24hrs Security, Private PO Boxes, No Deposit Required. Units 10’-12’ high not 8’ 661-947-5400 37560 Sierra Hwy Palmdale
Single 55yrs old woman is looking for a room in
Lancaster in exchange for light housekeeping. Has to be near shopping mall & transportation • 794-0941
69 Ford truck shop manual, vol. 1-4. Covers everything $30 • 272-9273 bet 8:00am-
Palmdale: Mature man seeking to rent a room. Very hard working, no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking • 944- 4542408
Rosamond: looking for room to rent, single male • 909- 964-2715405
Free: 5 boxes of hunting & fishing magazines • 945-
Brand new Aspen mountain bike $300 • 492-2013406
Used helmet for hockey or football w/ full face guard $15 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm only373
2 John Deere Gator tires,
new $30eac • 878-6607
Tires w/ rims, good tread $55 • 579-5333408
Towing engine lift • 486- 0949408
73 El Dorado radio, 8track,
8:30pm only
am/fm $50 • 943-6071
Clamshell roof top carrier for mini van, great cond, needs new locks $150 • 272-9273 bet 8:00am- 8:30pm only403
Ford Tempo & Mercury Topaz repair manual $20 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm400
Repair manual for Chrysler LHS, New Yorker, Intrepid & Eagle Vision • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm400
VW official service manual for Fast & Squareback, 1968-1973 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm400
1982 official Chevy light truck shop manual. Great cond $35 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm394
Parting out 1977 Ford F150 pick up, complete. Has not run for over 10yrs. No win- dows • 272-9273 bet 8am- 8:30pm only391
1969 Fisher body service manual, very rare $35. In depth on everything but motor & Trans • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm390
Repair manual for 1984-94 Ford Tempo & Mercury Topaz. Slightly used, good cond $15 • 272-9273 bet
390 8am-8:30pm
Old chrome V6 metal emblem $19, some pitting maybe from an old International Harvester • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm387
Chilton Toyota truck repair manual from 1970-88. Includes wiring & vacuum diagrams. For Land Cruiser & 4Runner, 4wheel drive & diesel engines • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only385
Mercedes Benz brakelight lens covers for 1970-1980’s. Disconnected, ready to go. One pair $68 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm377
13” Dexter rim for very old trailer. Good cond $35 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm376
Chrysler/Dodge/Eagle repair manual 1993-97 $18. Chrysler LHS, Concorde & New Yorker. Also Dodge Intrepid & Eagle Vision. In good shape • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm37
Engine hoist & stand, 3 tons, used 2 times, great
cond $125 • 483-4529

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