Page 13 - IAV Digital Magazine #416
P. 13

The only true FREE CLASSIFIEDS in the Antelope Valley... Where buyers and sellers meet!
• Each year, more than three billion Christmas cards are sent in the United States alone.
• In 350 AD, Pope Julius I, bishop of Rome, pro- claimed December 25 the official celebration date for the birth of Jesus Christ. Many his- torians and theologians have surmised that Christ really was not born this time of year, thanks to imagery and information from the Bible.
• Christmas carols began as an English custom called “wassailing.” Individuals toasted neighbors to a long and healthy life.
• Despite the common tale that three wise men paid homage to baby Jesus, the Bible never specifically calls out a number. Similarly, there’s no specific indication that they visited the infant Jesus. Their visit may have occurred when Jesus was older.
• Santa Claus’ modern look was inspired by writings from The Knickerbockers of New York and imagery from Clement Clarke Moore’s “A Visit from St Nicholas.” Moore denied authoring the famous poem for 15 years after it was published anony- mously, feeling the poem was beneath his talents.
• Santa has his own offi- cial postal code. It’s H0 H0 H0.
• The song “Jingle Bells” was originally written for Thanksgiving and not Christmas. People loved it so much that the lyrics were changed to fit Christmas.
• Christmas trees typical- ly grow for 15 years
before they are cut and sold. This means the trees sold today were likely planted in 1999.
• Christmas was not declared an official holi- day in the United States until June 26, 1870.
• Before turkey, the tradi- tional Christmas meal served in England was a pig’s head and mustard.
• Male reindeer tend to shed their antlers in the winter. This means Santa’s reindeer are like- ly female.
• Christ may have been born in a cave rather than a manger. According to the gospel of Luke, the shepherds that helped find shelter for Mary to give birth kept their flock in a cave. The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem is built over a cave called the Grotto of the Nativity, where Jesus is believed to have been born.
• Many people may be less inclined to stand under mistletoe waiting for a kiss if they knew what “mistletoe” means in the ancient Germanic language. It literally means “dung on a twig,” for the bird who eats the berries and then leaves seeds in droppings to propagate new plants.
• Norwegian scientists have hypothesized that Rudolph’s red nose is probably the result of a parasitic infection of his respiratory system.• The Germans made the first artificial Christmas trees out of dyed goose feath- ers.
• The traditional three colors of Christmas are green, red, and gold. Green has long been a symbol of life and rebirth; red symbolizes
the blood of Christ, and gold represents light as well as wealth and royal- ty.
• Contrary to popular belief, suicide rates dur- ing the Christmas holi- day are low. The highest rates are during the spring.
• According to the Guinness world records, the tallest Christmas tree ever cut was a 221-foot Douglas fir that was dis- played in 1950 at the Northgate Shopping Center in Seattle, Washington.
• All the gifts in the Twelve Days of Christmas would equal 364 gifts.
• The “true love” men- tioned in the song “Twelve Days of Christmas” does not refer to a romantic cou- ple, but the Catholic Church’s code for God. The person who receives the gifts repre- sents someone who has accepted that code. For example, the “partridge in a pear tree” repre- sents Christ. The “two turtledoves” represent the Old and New Testaments.
• It is estimated that the single “White Christmas” by Irving Berlin is the best selling single of all time, with over 100 mil- lion sales worldwide.
•  Many of the most pop- ular Christmas songs, such as “White Christmas,” “Winter Wonderland,” “Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire),” “Rudolph the Red- Nosed Reindeer,” and “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” were written or co-written by Jews.
Fridge, side by side. Works
great $150 • 859-3894
Gas stove, electronics. Looks & works good $175 •
Gas stove, good cond $125
• 859-3894
Maytag fridge, black.
& TOyS
Boy bike $20 • 818-687-
415 1044
2 Boys bikes, good cond $60 • 802-4033415
Large bag of baby diapers $20 takes all • 943-6071413
Children bedroom set. Dresser, chairs w/ antique rack over the dresser $100 • 943-6071406
Baby crib, complete, like new $20 • 947-4343399
Small boxes of new & used baby clothes. 3mons-1yr $10; 6mons-2yrs $20 • 947-4343398
Pocahonta doll & Barbies $3ea • 947-4343398
Barbie case on wheels w/ Barbie dolls $20 for all • 947-4343398
Older foldable single baby stroller $25. Heavy duty, built tough. Storage basket • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
Filipino & Asian Market Fresh Seafoods, Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Cooked Foods To Go Order your fish. We’ll clean & fry it 44164 10th West Lancaster 661-945-4245
SIERRA LIQUOR & jR MARkET Check Cashing, Money Order, Liquor & Beer, Fine Wine, Cigarettes, Lotto Low Prices 42145 Sierra Hwy Lancaster 661-948-3778
Beer • Wine • Liquor • Money Order • ATM • Groceries, We accept Credit Cards & Food Stamps 15600 Sierra hwy Mojave 661-824-2721
70Hx30W $400 • 256-4509
AirCon, 1500BTU, 120v $80 • 802-4033415
Hotpoint washer, LG gas dryer $100 • 802-4033415
New ceiling fan light fixture in box. $25, Harbor Breeze • 272-9273 bet 8:00am- 8:30pm only404
New turkey fryer, large size w/ full tank of propane, xlnt cond $60 • 943-6071403
Chest freezer, white. Looks & works great $125 • 272- 9273 bet 8:00am-8:30pm only403

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