Page 14 - IAV Digital Magazine #416
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EL NOVILLO CARNICE- RIA MARkET Fine Meats & Produce Cambiamos cheques de tra- bajo. Aceptamos Food Stamps 8714 East Ave T Litllerock 944-9639 944-9079 - Fax
TOWN & COUNTRY MARkET Gas • Service deli • Snacks 13012 Pearblossom Hwy 944-4136 • 944-4137
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The Finest in Fresh Fruits & Vegetables open 7 days 8202 Pearblossom Hwy. Littlerock (661)944-1364
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PICCAdILLY CIRCLE 7 MINI MART Groceries, snacks & coffee, beer & wine, Lotto & others 42124 N. 50th St., W Quartz Hill
(661) 722-9211
Lotto • Beer • Liquor • Snacks • Groceries 43535 Gadsden Ave. • Lancaster (661)949-0107
Rolling walker, new • 943-
413 6071
Wheelchair in xlnt cond $60 • 943-6071413
New bedside portable toilet for handicap/ disabled $50 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm364
Toilet lift ring/doughnut. Adjustable, ready now $22 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm363
Rolling walkers for disabled or elderly. Folds up. No brakes or seat. $25, great cond • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm only354
Pair of used crutches. Good cond. Adjustable 5’10”-6’6” height $16 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm only354
Bachmann holiday special train & trolley set, new $200 • 946-7005420
Drum for Buddhism. Bought for $135; Sell $135 • 350- 3833418
Metallic shed, disassem- bled, 40’x60’x16’ $6500 or trade • 943-0604418
Retail Army/Navy inventory for sale! Showcases, fix- tures, everything • 824- 3333413
Foam floatation device $25, good cond • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm390
Heavy duty rubber raft w/ 2 paddles. Holds 2 smaller persons or 1 big person. No leaks $50, xlnt cond • 272- 9273 bet 8am-8:30pm376
Metal wheel for rolling gate or trailer. Made for holding a heavy gate or trailer $19 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm
6” Solid Brass letters “N” & “W” only. Three of each. New in package. All for $38 or $7.50ea • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm376
Used turkey fryer. Needs gas hose. Heavy & sturdy $20 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm only373
Pulp Fiction dvd collectors edition $13. 2 DVD set in good cond • 272-9273 bet
363 8:30am-8:30pm
Various trampoline springs, different sizes, $2-$4ea depending on how many bought • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm363
Riddick Trilogy w/ Vin Diesel. 3 movies in orig case. Include Riddick, Pitch Black & Dark Fury. $12 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm363
Scrotox: Yes, Men Are Actually Botoxing Their Testicles
Rachel Hosie
Originally used to smooth out frown-lines and crow’s feet, it was never going to be long before Botox was taken to other parts of the body.
And whilst usually asso- ciated with the frozen faces of women, it’s now men getting in on the Botox action - but not just for their faces.
Men are now having Botox - the neurotoxin drug that temporarily paralyses muscles - injected into their scrota.
Although it sounds bizarre, doctors predict the treatment, so-called Scrotox, is only going to become more popular in 2017. New York-based plastic surgeon Dr. John Mesa has performed Scrotox on 15 men in the past year alone, although he calls the procedure “ball ironing”, according to Men’s Health. The effect of Scrotox is much the same as regu- lar Botox (or ironing, for that matter): the removal of wrinkles, and the effect lasts for about four months.
Over time, testicles develop wrinkles due to changing temperatures - when it’s warmer, the scrotum relaxes, and in colder conditions they
But as well as smoothing the skin, Dr. Mesa explained that Scrotox allows the testicles to hang down further and appear bigger, which is another attraction for many men.
One man explained that he decided to get Scrotox after reading reports that it could make sex more pleasur- able for both him and his girlfriend: “The results don’t happen right away, but within that week or so I did feel like my scro- tum was more relaxed than before,” he told Cosmopolitan. “They are
not loose all the time, which is one of the things I was not expect- ing.”
The Scrotoxed man also added that “The sex was great!” as he’d hoped.
Given that the body part in question is obviously so much more sensitive than the skin on one’s face, you’d be forgiven for thinking Scrotox must be incredibly painful - there aren’t many men who like the idea of hav- ing a needle injected into their testicles.
But Dr. Mesa says it’s not as painful as you might think due to the
anaesthetic used: “Once the numbing meds kick in, you won’t feel any- thing,” he explained.
One Scrotox treatment costs roughly the same as Botox, at between £400 and £650. But given a lot fewer people see your testicles
than your face (proba- bly), the procedure seems quite expensive.
There has however only been one study into using Botox on testicles, and that was to treat pain rather than for cos- metic reasons. But it could be that frozen tes- ticles will soon be as common as frozen faces.
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