Page 18 - IAV Digital Magazine #416
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1968-1973 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm400
1982 official Chevy light truck shop manual. Great cond $35 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm394
Parting out 1977 Ford F150 pick up, complete. Has not run for over 10yrs. No win- dows • 272-9273 bet 8am- 8:30pm only391
1969 Fisher body service manual, very rare $35. In depth on everything but motor & Trans • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm390
Repair manual for 1984-94 Ford Tempo & Mercury Topaz. Slightly used, good cond $15 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm390
Old chrome V6 metal emblem $19, some pitting maybe from an old International Harvester • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm387
Chilton Toyota truck repair manual from 1970-88. Includes wiring & vacuum diagrams. For Land Cruiser & 4Runner, 4wheel drive & diesel engines • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only385
Mercedes Benz brakelight lens covers for 1970-1980’s. Disconnected, ready to go. One pair $68 • 272-9273
good shape • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm37
Flywheels for V8 Chevy motors $21. For older chevy motor • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm37
Used tire, 65% tread left $23. P215/65/R17 • 272- 9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only363
Chilton’s repair manual for Mazda cars 1978-89, good cond. Models 323, 626, 929, GLC, MX-6 & RX7 $20 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only352
Chiltons repair manual for GM cars 1982-1992. Covers Chevy Celebrity, Buick Century, Olds Cutlass, Pontiac Ciera $24 • 272- 9273 bet 8am-8:30pm only352
Emergency “Skinny” tires, 4 & 5 lug rims. Fits Ford, GM & others on 15” rims $15ea • 272-9273 between 8:30am-8:30pm331
1 Used tire 215/60R16, good cond, 50% tread left $25 • 272-9273 between 8:30am-8:30pm394
Chevy antique truck emblem w/ lock to open trunk. Not sure what make or year. Possibly mid 1950’s • 272-9273 between
Big rigs/bus tires snow chains $60/pr. Call for sizes • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm330
14” & 15” tire snow chains for passeger cars $25/pr • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
330 8:30pm
All Scion Car Accessories
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Transom mount for small boat. Strong & secure. Made of solid steel, has clamps on it $28 firm • 272- 9273 bet 8:30am-8:30pm385
Canopy for small boat. Made of thick vinyl w/ metal frame. 61 1/2” wide at bot- tom base x 24” high. Older, been in storage $50 • 272- 9273 bet 8am-8:30pm376
Heavy duty rubber raft w/
two paddles. Holds 2 small- er people or 1 big person. No leaks. $50 xlnt cond • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm375
03 Cadillac DeVille, low miles $3500firm • 860-1601/ 418-3025418
80 Chevy Corvette, blk, needs some work $5000 • 714-0333419
96 Honda Civic 2dr, blk $900 • 441-2180420
Red Honda, no tires, body nice $200 • 944-1945/ 944- 0240420
05 Kia Spectra w/ non-op &
pink slip $500 • 946-7005420
92 Lincoln Towncar, great cond, beautiful interior $3500 • 310-387-5235418
84 Mercedes, 31k miles, xlnt cond $20,000 • 998-
10 Nissan Altima, 110k miles, runs great, sharp $5500 • 492-2013417
00 Pontiac, smog, runs good $2800 • 818-687- 1044415
90 Volvo XLT, 4WD, fully loaded, rebuilt tranny, xlnt cond $6800 • 423-920- 3197420
bet 8am-8:30pm
Mid 1950’s F250 emblem. One only, great cond $35 • 272-9273 bet 8:30am- 8:30pm330
1” ball trailer hitch $15. No ball, just hitch. 1.25”x1.25”x13”long for rid- ing mowers & small tractors • 272-9273 bet 8:30am-
13” Dexter rim for very old trailer. Good cond $35 • 272-9273 bet 8am-8:30pm
Chrysler/Dodge/Eagle repair manual 1993-97 $18. Chrysler LHS, Concorde & New Yorker. Also Dodge Intrepid & Eagle Vision. In
James Bond Would Not Get Job With Real MI6, Says Spy Chief
The chief of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, Alex Younger, acknowledged on Thursday that the orga- nization’s most famous fictional agent, James Bond, is both a blessing and curse.
The upside of the Bond novels and movies is that MI6, as SIS is more commonly referred to, is one of the best-known intelligence agencies in the world, and guaran- tees that almost anyone Younger invites to lunch will attend. The down- side to such “fictional stereotypes”, he said, was that Bond created a view of an MI6 officer that bore no resem- blance to reality.
Younger mused about the impact of the Bond movies during a rare public speech by the chief of an organisation whose existence was not even officially recog- nised until 1994.
Younger, the 16th chief since MI6 was founded in 1909, is known as “C” – like all those who have held the position since the service’s first chief,
Sir George Mansfield Smith-Cumming – rather than “M” as in the Bond films.
Younger, the only mem- ber of MI6 who can be publicly identified, assumed office in November 2014. Only few details of his life have been published. The former army officer, 53, joined MI6 in 1991, specialising in counter- terrorism and serving in the Middle East and Afghanistan. He was involved in organising security for the London
Olympic Games.
“I’m conflicted about Bond. He has created a powerful brand for MI6: as C, the real-life ver- sion of M, there are few people who will not come to lunch if I invite them. Many of our coun- terparts envy the sheer global recognition of our acronym,” Younger said.
“And to be fair, there are a few aspects of the genre that do resonate in real life: fierce dedica- tion to the defence of Britain, for example. The
real life ‘Q’ would want me to say that we too enjoy – and, indeed, need – a deep grasp of gad- getry. But’s that’s pretty much where the simi- larity ends. And, were Bond to apply to join MI6 now, he would have to change his ways.”
MI6 officers do travel to exotic and dangerous parts of the world but, according to
Younger, someone as reckless and immoral as Bond, who broke the law with such frequency, would not be welcome in MI6.
“For too long – often because of the fictional stereotypes I have men- tioned – people have felt that there is a single quality that defines an MI6 officer, be it an Oxbridge education or a proficiency in hand-to- hand combat. This is, of course, patently untrue. There is no standard MI6 officer.”
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