Page 18 - IAV Digital Magazine #484
P. 18

iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine
A Day Without Whopper: The Day Burger King Asked Its Customers To Go To McDonald's
By Josh Coulson
It takes a pretty good reason for Burger King to actively promote McDonald's, and perhaps there is no better reason than the fight against children's cancer.
There are literally thousands of burger joints around the world all striving to be the very best. However, there are two that stand tall above all others. McDonald's is number one, and Burger King is number two. BK often takes shots at Maccy D's in its quest to one day dethrone the only burger spe- cialists that stand in its way of that number one spot.
We never thought we would see a day where Burger King and McDonald's not only work togeth-
er, but the former would actively promote the lat- ter. However, today, September 26, 2019, that day happened. It's a day that has been dubbed "A Day Without Whopper," reports Grit Daily, and it took place in Argentina.
There is a method to what would appear to be Burger King's madness. In fact, the reason it is effectively asking its customers to pay a visit to its arch-rival is an incredibly noble one. Today, at McDonald's restaurants across Argentina,
$2 from every Big Mac and other signature burger sold went to their fundraising cam- paign, Children With Cancer. The day has quite rightly been dubbed McHappy Day.
Burger King has revealed that not only did it remove
Whoppers from sale in all of its Argentine restau- rants, but cus- tomers disap- pointed with the lack of their sig- nature burger were actively encouraged to seek out a near- by McDonald's and buy a Big Mac instead. The chain's mascot,
the Burger King himself, even paid the Golden Arches a visit in order to give a Big Mac a try while also doing his bit for charity.
Truth be told, this action by BK probably doesn't make a massive difference. When faced with no Whoppers, a cus- tomer is more likely to buy another of the restaurant's offer- ings as opposed to going some- where else entire- ly. However, as you can see from the graphic above, McDonald's sold more than 73,000 more Big Macs than it did during last year's McHappy Day. Perhaps that encouragement to head else- where from BK employees was the real key ingredient.
iAV - Antelope Valley Digital Magazine

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