Page 9 - classs 6 a_Neat
P. 9

(c) In 13768, the tens digit is 6 > 5.   SOLUTION:  42 estimated to the nearest ten= 40.
          :. the required rounded number = 13800.          58 estimated to the nearest ten = 60.
       (d) In 1249, the tens digit is 4 < 5.            Hence, the required estimation = ( 40 × 60) = 2400.
          :. the required rounded number = 1200.
        EXAMPLE 10: Estimate the product of 34 and 75.
 EXAMPLE 3:  Round each of the following numbers to the nearest thousand:
          (a) 5486    (b) 6823    (c) 14380    (d) 23659  SOLUTION:  34 estimated to the nearest ten = 30.
                        75 estimated to the nearest ten = 80.
 SOLUTION:  (a) In 5486, the hundreds digit is 4 < 5.            Hence, the required estimation = (30 × 80) = 2400.
          :. the required rounded number = 5000.
        (b) In 6823, the hundreds digit is 8 > 5.  EXAMPLE 11: Estimate the product of 367 x 231 by rounding off each number to the nearest hundred.
          :. the required rounded number = 7000.
        (c) In 143801 the hundreds digit is 3 < 5.  SOLUTION:  367 estimated to the nearest hundred = 400.
          :. the required rounded number = 14000.          231 estimated to the nearest hundred = 200.
        (d) In 23659, the hundreds digit is 6 > 5.           Hence, the estimated product = 400 × 200 = 80000.
          :. the required rounded number = 24000.
        EXAMPLE 12: Estimate the product of 183 x 153 by rounding off the first number upwards and the second
 EXAMPLE 4: Estimate the sum (64 + 79) to the nearest ten.                      number downwards.

 SOLUTIONS: 64 estimated to the nearest ten = 60.   SOLUTION:  183 estimated upwards= 200.
          79 estimated to the nearest ten = 80.          153 estimated downwards = 100.
          Hence, the required estimation = (60 + 80) = 140.            Hence, the estimated product= 200 × 100 = 20000.

 EXAMPLE 5:  Estimate the sum (267 + 132) to the nearest ten.
                                               ROMAN NUMERALS
 SOLUTION:  267 estimated to the nearest ten= 270.
        132 estimated to the nearest ten= 130.   ROMAN NUMERALS  One of the early systems of writing numerals is the system of Roman numerals.
          Hence, the required estimation= (270 + 130) = 400.
        There are seven basic symbols to write any numeral.
 EXAMPLE 6: Estimate the sum (2 7 4 + 143) to the nearest hundred.   These symbols are given below.

 SOLUTION:  274 estimated to the nearest hundred= 300.
        143 estimated to the nearest hundred = 100.   Roman numeral  I  V  X  L  C        D         M
          Hence, the required estimation= (300 + 100) = 400.
                 Hindu - Arabic numeral        1        5       10       50     100      500       1000
 EXAMPLE 7: Estimate the sum (21397 + 2 7807 + 42505) to the nearest thousand.
        If a bar is placed over a numeral, it is multiplied by 1000.

 SOLUTION:  21397 estimated to the nearest thousand = 21000.   Thus, V = 5000 and × = 10000, etc.
        27807 estimated to the nearest thousand = 28000.   Using these symbols, we may form all Roman numerals by adopting the rules given below.
        42505 estimated to the nearest thousand = 43000
          Hence, the required estimation= (21000 + 28000 + 43000) = 92000  RULE 1 Repetition of a symbol in a Roman numeral means addition.

 EXAMPLE 8: Estimate the difference (673 - 258) to the nearest hundred.   CAUTIONS  (i) Only I, X, C, M can be repeated.
                       (ii) V. L and D are never repeated.
 SOLUTION:  673 estimated to the nearest hundred = 700.         (iii) No symbol in a Roman numeral can be repeated more than 3 times.
        258 estimated to the nearest hundred = 300.
          Hence, the required estimation= (700 -300) = 400.

 EXAMPLE 9: Estimate the product of 42 and 58.
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14