Page 24 - Workbook 1b Final
P. 24
El mono y los tacos #3
After reading the story on the previous page, fill in the blank with the correct word
from the word bank.
está contento come mono
un taco va a va a
1. Hay un mono– there is a monkey
2. Se llama– he/she is called
3. No está bien– he/she is not well 1. El __________________ se llama Max.
4. Está mal – he/she is bad
5. Quiere– he/she wants
6. No tiene– he/she does not have 2. El mono quiere __________________.
7. Va a– he/she goes to
8. Come– he/she eats
9. Hay– there is/there are 3. El mono _______________ Chicago.
10.Grita- he/he yells
4. El mono ________________ Atlanta.
5. En México el mono __________________ ocho (8) tacos.
6. El mono ____________________ .