Page 2 - OPE JULY 2020
P. 2

Local and International News
We’re back!
Although I was
able to carry on working from home,
April was like a black hole for many businesses.
For many in the outdoor power industry, lockdown wasn’t an enjoyable experience.
Many smaller, owner-operated businesses will have called upon
their “rainy day funds”, on top of the Government’s wage subsidies and other loans, to survive.
April’s tough times will have been somewhat leavened by the rebound to bumper levels of business over May and June.
But now, with winter in full swing, typically a quieter time in outdoor power, is there a consensus about where to from here?
A range of outdoor power dealers share their experiences – positive and negative – starting on page 08.
The next NZOPE will be out in September when we’ll be asking how Fieldays Online was for visitors and exhibitors.
Steve Bohling, Group Editor, 09 304 2705
NZ Outdoor Power Equipment
is published 4 times per year
by Marketplace Media,
Lower Ground Level, 83 Mt Eden Road Grafton, Auckland 1023
PO Box 28372, Remuera, Auckland 1541 Phone: 09 375 3097, Fax: 09 309 0583 Website :
ISSN: 1177-4215
The opinions expressed and material published in New Zealand Outdoor Power Equipment
are not necessarily those of the publisher, except where specifically stated. The content is copyright and may not be reprinted in any form without the permission of the publisher.
Group Editor Steve Bohling 09 304 2705 and 021 0223 6887
Account Manager Karen Condon 09 304 2707 and 0275 420 338
Account Manager Susan Kennedy 09 304 2706 and 021 317 176
Studio Manager Rachel Walker 09 304 2709,
Publisher Simon Little
021 507 343,
Masport’s Australian lockdown bonus
NEW ZEALAND WAS effectively
shut in April. But in Australia, key retailers were open, boosting business for more than a few Kiwi brands selling products across the ditch.
That was certainly the case with Masport, according to MD, Steve Hughes (photo right), when we talked in early July.
As we know now, the New Zealand market rebounded big time after lockdown and was all go during May and June.
Luckily, the dire effects of April’s Level 4 lockdown here were somewhat rebalanced by overseas markets which Steve Hughes says have been “extremely good, particularly Australia, even through their Covid-19 situation.”
Steve Hughes admits candidly; “If we look at all markets, things are going very well. But if we just look at just look at New Zealand alone, it’s probably down a little bit on what we would have had if we’d if we hadn’t been in lockdown.”
In Australia however, the season “really kicked on”, he says. “I think the Australian set up was far better, obviously, from our industry’s point of view, because Bunnings continued to operate and will admit that
they’ve had some major increases in sales in virtually all categories.
“We found in Australia, because the stores were open and people were stuck at home, that they were interested in buying anything to do with inside the home and outside the home.
“People at home couldn’t go on holiday, couldn’t do anything, they were just inwardly focussed.
“So even with barbecues, we were selling many times more than we would normally do at that time of year. Pizza ovens too!” n
Hansa working hard on European prospects
AS WELL AS launching an e-commerce platform during lockdown (see page 010 for more
details), Hansa Chippers is another local outdoor power business that’s been busy working on boosting its overseas business.
MD, Martin Vogel, says demand from Australia has been strong, even through the restrictions, the same for Europe, including the UK, despite the agent, new this year, going quiet on the Hamilton manufacturer...
Martin explains: “Initially, we were a bit concerned about the UK, but our lack of communication from the distributor was more to do with the fact that they are sodamnbusy!Sincethenthey’veplaced
another large order, which should be dispatched next month.”
The German market is also proving very worthwhile: “We entered into Germany at the beginning of the second quarter of last year and in the first four months of this year our sales of equipment were equivalent to the nine months of last year, so that was a good start.”
Indeed Hansa’s European business has grown to the point that the company is setting up its own warehouse near Munich, close to where BDM, Steve Milburn,
is based, to serve new markets like the Netherlands and Denmark, where agents are currently being established. n

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