Page 24 - 2019 HW Awards Book
P. 24

Hand and Power Tools
Accent Tools
“It doesn’t get any better than being judged in this way by our customers on the service and value that we provide,” says Andrew Way. “We have many strong competitors so it’s a real honour to be voted among the best at what we do. It’s been a really exciting journey and, as HiKOKI reaches its 1st year anniversary, we are excited to do even more for our customers moving forward! We know the importance of building great partnerships and Accent Tools is excited to work together to build a stronger product offering backed up by great customer service.”
      Makita (New Zealand)
“Feels great to be a Finalist!” says Jamie Teague. “It’s all about our teamwork. TEAM (Together Everyone Achieve More). We are dedicated to listening to our customers, trying to understand customers’ needs and how we can make it better. We can’t appreciate enough, but thank you all very much. We appreciate you keeping on doing the business with us. On behalf of Makita Japan, we are honoured to be nominated as a Finalist and we keep on striving to provide better product and service to make your stores/your people ‘valuable’ to your customers.”
  Toolware Sales
Aaron Bell says Toolware Sales is “proud and humbled to be recognised by our customers for exceeding their expectations for the past seven years in a row. We would like to thank all of our supporters who have always trusted and believed in us. This nomination confirms what we instinctively know: that our people and our products are our best assets. Iwouldalsoliketopersonallythankourteamfortheirvisionand dedication and to our industry colleagues for always pushing us to be better than we were yesterday.”
Paslode New Zealand
Paslode is “very honoured to be nominated by our channel and
industry partners for such a prestigious award in this very competitive marketplace. Thank you for supporting us and coming along on this journey with us. It’s not always easy and sometimes we’re in for a bumpy ride but the loyalty shown has been tremendous. They say if you want to be the best you have to work with the best, and we are very lucky to have such a great network of partners to work with.”

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