Page 12 - HW Sept 2021
P. 12

hard news
                                                         ITM marks first 30 years in Queenstown
   TO CELEBRATE THE cooperative’s 30th anniversary, ITM staff, suppliers and shareholders spent the second week of August in picturesque Queenstown.
Marketing Manager, Juliana Raven, says of the event: “It was significant to get back together after two years since our last conference in Japan in 2019, and a disruptive 2020 with Covid-19.
“As a co-operative with 96 stores, time together is incredibly invaluable, particularly after a busy start to 2021.”
Monday to Wednesday was taken up with a welcome dinner, followed by a future-focused supplier business session, and a range of other activities.
Thursday’s ASM for shareholders
was followed by a unique evening of celebration at the top of a snowy Coronet Peak.
A “milestone event” marking ITM’s first three decades, MC Paul Ego shared the spotlight with some rather special guests who related their roles in the history of the co-op.
million (% increase) – Triangle ITM
• Shareholder Growth Turnover $3.5-10
million ($ increase) – Thomsons ITM
• Shareholder Growth Turnover $3.5-10
million (% increase) – Thomsons ITM
• Shareholder Growth Turnover $10
Kevin Marevich started with the
beginnings of ITM in 1991, Gordon ITM
Buswell (via Zoom!) talked about the evolution of the brand, while two of the original shareholders, Shayne Heape from Whangarei ITM, and Lyndsay Gray of Bay of Islands ITM, rounded off proceedings.
During the celebrations, Shayne Heape received a celebratory plaque to mark
his 30 years as a shareholder, and the following were recognised as ITM’s top stores and suppliers for the year:
Financial Awards
• ShareholderGrowthTurnover$0-3.5 million ($ increase) – Tumu ITM Dannevirke
• ShareholderGrowthTurnover$0-3.5
• Shareholder Growth Turnover $10 million+ (% increase) – Dysart ITM Glen Innes
Supplier Awards
• Timber Supplier of the Year – Red Stag Timber
• Hardware Supplier of the Year – Makita NZ
• Building Products Supplier of the Year – Winstone Wallboards
• Shareholder’s Choice for Supplier of the Year – Red Stag Timber
• Supplier’s Choice for Outstanding Shareholder – Southern Lakes ITM Premium Awards
• Community Sponsorship Award –
million+ ($ increase) – Dyers Road
  10 NZHJ | SEPTEMBER 2021

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