Page 16 - HW September 2019
P. 16

2019 itm awards
                                                      ITM takes time to celebrate ITS PEOPLE
Following last year’s high profile event, this year ITM chose a more intimate shareholder- and partner-orientated function to celebrate its high achievers. Steve Bohling reports.
 ITM SHAREHOLDERS AND suppliers gathered at Shed 10 on Auckland’s waterfront on 25 July to celebrate the cooperative’s highest achieving stores, individuals and commercial partners.
After last year’s impressive, large-scale event at Auckland Town Hall, including the surprise grand reveal of ITM’s partnership with Emirates Team New Zealand and its America’s Cup programme, this year’s event was a more personal affair.
With a packed promotional programme for the rest of this year that includes the ITM Auckland SuperSprint and of course ITM’s commitment to the Rugby World Cup in Japan, the event at characterful Shed 10 was all about ITM’s people.
Apart from the Awards themselves, highlight of the evening was keynote speaker Grant Dalton from Emirates Team New Zealand (ETNZ), neatly reminding shareholders and guests of ITM’s commitment to the team as it approaches the sharp end of its America’s Cup programme.
The ETNZ boss shared some amusing and fascinating insights into the risks and rewards of participating in such a high profile sporting campaign faced with such well-funded competitors.
Also fascinating were the direct comparisons which can be drawn between ITM and ETNZ, with Grant Dalton highlighting the grass roots, hands-on style of both organisations which makes ITM’s support so apt.
Ably MC’d by Simon Dallow, in terms of the Award winners it was interesting to see ITM powerhouse Southern Lakes
ITM once again highlighted for its achievements as well as recognition of excellence in the regions in the form of Manawatu ITM, Parapine ITM and ProBuild ITM.
We also celebrated shareholder and staff commitment to the ITM banner in the form of this year’s Young Achiever, Isaac Lawrence of Far North ITM, who “lives and breathes the

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